Brewing In-Line Ledger (Ledger-cli inspired brewing calculator/tracker)

Primary LanguageVimL

BILL (Brewing In-Line Ledger)

Note: The "In-Line" part is just there to fill out the acronym. Suggestions for improvements (or probable meaning) are welcome.

BILL is a brewing ledger that will help you calculate or track the values that you need for making beer. It is inspired by the command line financial ledger program, ledger: http://ledger-cli.org/

At the moment, BILL is in development and may stay in development forever if Mike is lazy. But hopefully Mike won't be lazy.

BILL is written in Rust: http://www.rust-lang.org/

The only reason is because Rust looked cool and Mike wanted to learn it.


BILL is really a filter for a brewing ledger. To start you simply run bill, passing it no input file. It will respond with a skeleton file for you to fill out. You can fill out as much information as you want and if you get stuck at any point, you simply give the file back to BILL to fill in more details.

BILL takes input files and calculates anything that it is able to calculate and returns a copy of the input file with the calculations made. So for instance, you might write a list of malts for the grain BILL, along with percentages. BILL will then calculate the current gravity of that malt BILL.

BILL will also make suggestions. So if you have no malt, BILL will give you a list of malt that you could choose from. You keep modifying the files that BILL gives you and sending them back to BILL until the document is as complete as you want it.


I'm going to experiment with a different form of TODO planning. Since BILL only transforms files, things TODO are most easily shown by describing a starting file and the desired transition. All implemented and unimplemented features are described in the scenario directory. Implemented features are in scenario/implemented while unimplemented features are in scenario/unimplemented.

If you wish to work on BILL all you have to do is pick a transformation that is not implemented and implement it. Then move the 2 files (the user input and the response that BILL generated) into the implemented directory.

Building BILL

You will need to install the Rust compiler and Cargo (the Rust package manager/build tool).

After that you can simply

cargo build

This will build the executable in target/bill. To run the executable, you can run it normally from the target directory or type

cargo run

Running the unit tests

You can just:

cargo test

To run the unit tests.


Vim plugin

There is a minimal syntax highlighting file in the vim-bill directory. This can be installed in your bundle directory using pathogen.

BILL does nothing yet, so there is no point in installing anywhere.