Pokedex is a web application for comparing the strength of pokemon from the first three generation of Pokemon video games.
Visit the application today at http://pokedex.club.
Is Electrode really the fastest gen 1 pokemon? How many dragon type pokemon are there? Would Lugia best Rayquaza in a battle? Answer these questions and more with this Pokdex app.
View complete profiles on each of the first 386 pokemon. Design your dream team for Red/Blue/Yellow, Silver/Gold/Crystal, and Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald versions.
Users can sort both Pokemon and Moves based on their statistics. Sort pokemon by the highest special defense stat, moves by accuracy, and many more permutations.
This application uses the in-game statistics from Pokemon Emerald version.
This application uses:
Node.js/Express on the server
React.js (with hooks) on the client
PostgreSQL for data persistence
Bcrypt for password hashing
JSON Web Tokens for user authentication
Node.js/Axios/Cheerio.js web scraper to obtain the Pokemon statistics. Cheerio was used for DOM navigation
Hosted on a DigitalOcean Droplet (Ubuntu 20.04)
Sign up for a new account today at https://pokedex.club.
This application is currently free to download and use. You can self-host the application or you can create a hosted account at https://pokedex.club.
This project is not currently accepting pull requests, but it may in the future.
User feedback and feature requests are welcome and appreciated.
This application was written by Mike Koscinski. It was his first full-stack web application project.
Thanks to Derek Xiao for reviewing early drafts of my database schema and sharing his insights on database design.
Thanks to Pokemon Database for providing the data used in this application.
All pokemon statistics copyright (c) 1995-2021 Nintendo/Game Freak.
Ongoing. This project is still in active development. Additional features have been identified for development. User feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Future features:
Create your own team - users can select their own 'dream team' of up to six pokemon. This will be saved with their account.
View for optimizing stats and type advantages when user creates their own team
Add images to each pokemon's entry page.
Add Pokdex bios to each pokemon's entry page.