
This repository contains publicly available resources from the Urchin Data service

Primary LanguageHCL

Data Science on the Cloud

I often felt limited by my computer's processing power and memory capacity to run large data problems. However, spinning up an instance in the cloud (and installing all the packages I needed) was time consuming and diffiult. These scripts will spin up an Amazon EC2 instance and transform it into a fully functioning, easy to use, data science box.

The script installs and configures:

  • Jupyter Notebook 5.0.x
  • Conda Python 3.x environment
  • pandas, matplotlib, scipy, seaborn, scikit-learn, scikit-image, sympy, cython, patsy, statsmodel, cloudpickle, dill, numba, bokeh pre-installed
  • Conda R v3.3.x and channel
  • plyr, devtools, shiny, rmarkdown, forecast, rsqlite, reshape2, nycflights13, caret, rcurl, and randomforest pre-installed
  • The tidyverse R packages are also installed, including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purrr, tibble, stringr, lubridate, and broom


See Install Guide

Quick Run

Building your instance and configuring it is done entirely by running:

terraform apply

The function returns a shareable URL to your Jupyter notebook on the cloud!

User Guide

See User Guide
