Due to the fact that most file systems do not support prepend operations, I decided to create a simple gem to do just that.
##Install [sudo] gem install prependfile
prependfile [options] target_file
prependfile file.cpp --text="PUT THIS ON TOP"
prependfile file.cpp main.cpp test.cpp --text="This goes on all of them!"
prependfile *.cpp --file=banner.txt
prependfile *.rb (this will put you into STDIN)
prependfile *.rb < banner.txt
where [options] are:
--text, -t <s>: Text to prepend to file
--file, -f <s>: Contents of file to prepend to the dest file
--version, -v: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message
require 'prependfile'
PrependFile.prepend(<file_to_append>, <text_to_prepend>)
and <text_to_prepend>
can be a filename(String), File Object, or IO Object
PrependFile.prepend("sample.txt", "I want this text to be on the top!")
PrependFile.prepend("sample.txt", File.new("file_that_contains_header.txt"))
PrependFile.prepend("sample.txt", "file_that_contains_header.txt")
PrependFile.prepend(File.new("sample.txt"), "I want this text to be on the top!")
To see all examples/cases, see the spec file.