Sudoku Solver

This is a sample solution, which demonstrates how to decompose a Sudoku Board from the various algorithms that solve Sudoku Boards. It uses to fetch puzzles of varying difficulty to solve.


ruby sudoku.rb [solver] [puzzle]

puzzle difficulty – 1-4, this corresponds to Easy, Medium, Hard, and Evil on's puzzle.

solver – (n)aive or (b)acktracking The "naive" algorithm which relies on the puzzle only having a single solution. The "backtracking" solution can solve puzzles with mutliple solutions – here it will find the first solution.

For example, the following will use the backtracking solver to solve a random Evil puzzle:

ruby sudoku.rb b 4


  1. The solver does a bit too much. E.g. it fetches puzzles from I could make a SudokuFetcher class which would be responsible to fetching puzzles from various sources – E.g. the internet, local filesystem, stdin.