
Java / Vmware samples using web services SDK

Primary LanguageJava

Java / VMWare SDK samples

SDK sample java files and a sample test client script to print the vcenter/vsphere version numbers

use the build.sh script to see env setup and compilation examples. It will also compile the source files in com/vmware and package it into vim25.jar to use throughout your applications

Compile command that works for me (Compiling from same directory as your source files):

$ ${JAVAHOME}/bin/javac -classpath ${PWD}:${SAMPLEJARDIR}/vim25.jar TestClient.java

Running it:

$ ${JAVAHOME}bin/java -classpath ${PWD}:${SAMPLEJARDIR}/vim25.jar TestClient


$ export JAVAHOME=/Library/Java/Home
$ export VMWARE_SDK=/Users/mikelopez/Desktop/VMWare-Web-SDK/vsphere-ws/
$ export SAMPLEDIR=/Users/mikelopez/Desktop/VMWare-Web-SDK/vsphere-ws/java/JAXWS/samples
$ export SAMPLEJARDIR=/Users/mikelopez/Desktop/VMWare-Web-SDK/vsphere-ws/java/JAXWS/lib

$ export WSDLFILE25=/Users/mikelopez/Desktop/VMWare-Web-SDK/vsphere-ws/wsdl/vim25/vimService.wsdl
$ export WSDLLOCATION25=vimService.wsdl

$ export LOCALCLASSPATH=${PWD}/lib:${PWD}/lib/vim25.jar:${PWD}/lib/samples.jar
$ export VMKEYSTORE=/Users/mikelopez/vmware-certs/vmware.keystore

$ export PATH="${JAVAHOME}/bin:${PATH}"

dev@scidentify.info - Marcos Lopez