
A fulllstack serverless app using TypeScript, Svelte and Architect Serverless

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Serverless Starter Kit



  • Architect Serverless
    • A full local AWS sandbox
    • Easily shared code between routes
    • Easly create AWS infrastructure - the arc in package.json creates the AWS SAM sam.yaml file for you!
    • Types are provided for the Arc Request and Response objects
    • Pure ES2017 await style code with no callbacks for routes or middleware - Arc lambdas simply return HTTP responses, and middleware can be chained together by returning a response (ending processing) or a modified request (passing to the next step in middleware)
  • Svelte using TypeScript, for fast, simple and small code without the overhead of a virtual DOM.
  • eslint using TypeScript
  • Tests using TS jest (and a ready to go config for Circle CI)
  • An .env for secrets, which isn't committed for security reasons - keep it in your password manager.
  • Users and passwords using bcrypt
  • A neat HTML5 page layout with CSS grid by default.
  • Live Reloading

How to use this repository

Clone it

npx degit mikemaccana/serverless-starter-kit my-new-app
cd my-new-app
npm install

Set up the DB

Install MongoDB, then cp .env.example .env to make an env file. Then start MongoDB.

Start the app

Just run:

npm start

The Architect sandbox is now running on http://localhost:3333


npm test

Or to run a single test suite or test:

npm test-filter "Auth"

Deploy the code to AWS

Set up your ~/.aws/credentials and run:

npm run deploy

Get started with Architect Serverless and Svelte

See the docs for Architect Serverless and Svelte

  • Frontend code, including Svelte components, is in src/frontend
  • Images and global CSS is in public/images and public/css
  • Backend code is in src/http, src/ws, code shared between all routes is in src/shared and src/views. If you make changes to src/shared and npm run update-shared-and-views will update the necessary symlinks for you.
  • Infrastructure is in package.json under the arc key. Arc organises these by familiar concepts - so each http route, for example, results in an API gateway with a Lambda attached when you deploy to AWS.

Issues are welcome, but pull requests are better!

Please don't just spam me asking for features!
