
dendro: An experimental tree class in S7

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Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status Codecov test coverage R-CMD-check

dendro is an experimental package I wrote to play around with tree structures and the new (as of this writing) S7 class system. It’s not intended for serious workloads, but rather as a way for me to kick the wheels on S7 and toy with recursive operations.


You can install the development version of dendro like so:

# install.packages("remotes")


The core of the dendro package lives in two S7 classes, node() and tree(). The node class has four slots: the index value of the node within the tree, the index of the node’s parent, and the index of any children the node has, as well as a list slot for any attributes you want to attach to the node:

#> Attaching package: 'dendro'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     @

  index = 1L,
  value = list(), 
  parent = 0L,
  children = 2L
#> <dendro::node>
#>  @ index   : int 1
#>  @ value   : list()
#>  @ parent  : int 0
#>  @ children: int 2

Nodes are almost entirely unvalidated – there’s no requirement a parent knows about all its children, that a node’s parent exists, that the node’s index is unique, or that its index corresponds to its location in a tree. Node-creating code is responsible for those validations.

The tree class is slightly more interesting. Its constructor function takes a list of nodes:

#> <dendro::tree>
#>  @ size        : int 1
#>  @ node_indices: int 1
#>  @ next_idx    : int 2
#>  @ root        : int 1
#>  @ nodes       :List of 1
#>  .. $ : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ value   : list()
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int(0) 
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0)

The tree class also doesn’t do a ton of validation; it only checks to make sure that every node (save for one, the root node) has a parent. However, this class also comes with a few useful dynamic slots: size, the number of nodes in the tree; node_indices, a vector of all index values in the nodes list; next_idx, a safe position for the next node to be inserted at, and root, the index of the root node in the nodes list.

There’s also a handful of methods defined for tree classes. For instance, add_node() will automatically add a node at the next available index, for programmatic tree construction:

example_tree <- tree() |>
  add_node(name = "root") |>
  add_node(list(), parent = 1L) |>
  add_node(list(), parent = 1L) |>
  add_node(list(), parent = 2L) |>
  add_node(list(), parent = 4L)

#> <dendro::tree>
#>  @ size        : int 5
#>  @ node_indices: Named int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "root" "" "" "" ...
#>  @ next_idx    : int 6
#>  @ root        : Named int 1
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "root"
#>  @ nodes       :List of 5
#>  .. $ root: <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int NA
#>  ..  ..@ children: int [1:2] 2 3
#>  .. $     : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ value   : list()
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: int 4
#>  .. $     : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 3
#>  ..  ..@ value   : list()
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $     : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 4
#>  ..  ..@ value   : list()
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ children: int 5
#>  .. $     : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 5
#>  ..  ..@ value   : list()
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 4
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0)

Note that add_node() is relatively slow, as the tree is re-validated after each call to add_node(). To make an entirely new tree from scratch, it’s usually faster to call tree() with a list of nodes instead.

You can call drop_node() to drop nodes from the tree. Note that all descendants of the node will be dropped as well, as dendro doesn’t allow multiple roots in a tree:

example_tree |> 
#> <dendro::tree>
#>  @ size        : int 0
#>  @ node_indices: NULL
#>  @ next_idx    : int 1
#>  @ root        : int NA
#>  @ nodes       : Named list()
# Get the depth of a node in the tree
example_tree |> 
#> [1] 4

# Get the distance between two nodes in the tree
example_tree |> 
  distance_to_target(1, 5)
#> [1] 3

# Get the indices of the children for a node
example_tree |> 
#> [1] 2 3

# Get the indices of _all_ descendants for a node
example_tree |> 
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5

# Get node objects from a tree
example_tree |> 
#> $root
#> <dendro::node>
#>  @ index   : int 1
#>  @ value   :'data.frame':    0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  @ parent  : int NA
#>  @ children: int [1:2] 2 3

# Get the value slot of a node object from a tree
example_tree |> 
#> $root
#> data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

There’s also a function, as_tree, for converting data frames to tree formats:

data.frame(x = letters[1:4], y = letters[25:26]) |> 
  as_tree(c("x", "y"), root_name = "root")
#> <dendro::tree>
#>  @ size        : int 9
#>  @ node_indices: Named int [1:9] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:9] "root" "a" "y" "b" ...
#>  @ next_idx    : int 10
#>  @ root        : Named int 1
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "root"
#>  @ nodes       :List of 9
#>  .. $ root: <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int NA
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int [1:4] 2 4 6 8
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "a" "b" "c" "d"
#>  .. $ a   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int 3
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "y"
#>  .. $ y   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 3
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ b   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 4
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int 5
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "z"
#>  .. $ z   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 5
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 4
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ c   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 6
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int 7
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "y"
#>  .. $ y   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 7
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 6
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ d   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 8
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int 9
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "z"
#>  .. $ z   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 9
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 8
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0)

data.frame(x = letters[1:4], y = letters[25:26]) |> 
  as_tree(c("y", "x"), root_name = "root")
#> <dendro::tree>
#>  @ size        : int 7
#>  @ node_indices: Named int [1:7] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:7] "root" "y" "a" "c" ...
#>  @ next_idx    : int 8
#>  @ root        : Named int 1
#>  .. - attr(*, "names")= chr "root"
#>  @ nodes       :List of 7
#>  .. $ root: <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int NA
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int [1:2] 2 5
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "y" "z"
#>  .. $ y   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int [1:2] 3 4
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "a" "c"
#>  .. $ a   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 3
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ c   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 4
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 2
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ z   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 5
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  0 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 1
#>  ..  ..@ children: Named int [1:2] 6 7
#>  .. .. .. - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "b" "d"
#>  .. $ b   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 6
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 5
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0) 
#>  .. $ d   : <dendro::node>
#>  ..  ..@ index   : int 7
#>  ..  ..@ value   :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  0 variables
#>  ..  ..@ parent  : int 5
#>  ..  ..@ children: int(0)