
Automatic CD by pushing packages to drat repos

MIT LicenseMIT

Automatically upload R packages to a {drat} repo

This action checks out the git repo for an R package, builds it (via R CMD build), adds it to a {drat} repository (via drat::insertPackage and drat::updateRepo), and then pushes that drat repo to GitHub.

This action accepts the following input parameters:

  • package: The GitHub repository for the package you want to upload. Defaults to the repository the action is running in.
  • drat_repo: The GitHub repository for the drat repo to update. No default, must be specified.
  • token: A PAT used to clone package and clone and push to drat_repo. It is highly recommended you use a service account with the fewest permissions possible for this job.
  • commit_message: The message to use when committing to drat_repo.
  • commit_author: The author to write the commit as; used to set git config user.name.
  • commit_email: The author to write the commit as; used to set git config user.email. No default, must be specified.

Click here to see a live example of this action in use.