
This plugin uses more semantic markup for the gallery shortcode output.

Primary LanguagePHP

Better WordPress Gallery

This plugin uses more semantic markup for the gallery shortcode output. Use your gallery shortcode as you normally would. I've included some basic defalt css, and the base styles should make a responsive approach to the gallery fairly simple.


Some basic options have been added and can be checked on the settings page, Settings>Better Gallery Settings, and include:

  • The option to include the plugin CSS
  • The option to edit css on the options page
  • The option to show, or remove captions permanently (by request)
  • The option to set the attribute file="link" as the default link option
  • Set the item tag (default is figure)
  • Set the icon tage
  • Set the caption (default is figcaption)
  • Set the default number of columns (3 is default)
  • If you're familiar with your thumbnail sizes, you can adjust the default of 'thumbnail' to whatever you like