
Synthesize references and evidence on the use of host- and diet-derived reads as natural constant references

mikemc opened this issue · 0 comments

Theoretical points

  • Relevant theory for how might be used for differential absolute abundance analysis in appendix Differential absolute abundance
  • Can be thought of as a natural spike-in, or a reference taxon with assumed fixed abundance.
  • Can be used for proportion- or ratio-based AA inference.
  • Current studies seem to use in proportion mode - use the ratio (bacterial reads) / (host + diet reads) to infer bacterial biomass; if AA of individual microbes is needed, multiply this biomass estimate by MGS proportions.
  • Use in ratio-mode is more robust to bias under the MWC model for the purposes of inferring fold changes across samples; however, it may be important not to aggregate reads from different taxa (e.g. host and different plants) for this method to remain robust to bias; see appendix section Multiple reference taxa.

Key empirical refs

Human or mouse gut



Other notes and links

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