
A Sample product that uses mm-core

Primary LanguagePython

MM Product

This is an example product that uses a "core wagtail" layer

The core wagtail layer is hosted on github at (mikemonteith/mm-core)[https://github.com/mikemonteith/mm-core]


The aim is to make development with this product as close to a regular wagtail site as possible, while providing defaults and some restrictions on what can be configured.

pip install -r requirements.txt to install your dependencies.

python manage.py to run site setup commands.

Core platform components can be imported with from mm_core import foo, bar, baz

Getting started

  1. Create a virtual environment virtualenv venv
  2. Activate your virtual environment . ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run migrations python manage.py migrate
  5. Create a superuser python manage.py createsuperuser
  6. Start your server python manage.py runserver


In the same way that django settings are defined with a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable, the core platform expects an APP_SETTINGS variable with a path to your settings file so that the core layer installs your product. The APP_SETTINGS variable is set to mm_product.settings by default in the manage.py file.

Developing on top of this product

You can create new page models in mm_product/models.py

Remember to create new migration files python manage.py makemigrations and run them python manage.py migrate.


A docker image can be created based on mm_core. Make sure you've built the mm_core docker image with tag=mm-core:latest if you want to build the mm-product docker image.