
sham tartans

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



None of these rendered images constitute an official Tartan, hence the Shartan name: Sham Tartan.

What is this?

This is a small project to play around with a couple of things:

  • Using React to make something that looks passably like Tartan by executing some definitions (turns out, pretty easy)
  • Making a mostly front-end site be shareable over Facebook, Twitter and Slack (turns out, surprisingly annoying)

Shareable Front-end

My blog post gives an overview: "The core of the idea is to run an instance of Chrome alongside your backend. When a request comes in for a preview image you ask it to take a screenshot of the page you want to use as a preview which you then proxy back to the browser."

I remixed the details of how to talk to Chrome over the debugger protocol with setup instructions for installing Chrome on Linux (see medium and github) to get a Docker setup for this alongside my main app, which I then deployed on Heroku (http://shartan.houseofmoran.com/).

Note that the only bit I added was to make the Chrome instance run alongside the backend of the main app, the front-end of which it was screenshotting.




Create app (if not created already during flyctl init):

flyctl apps create shartan-houseofmoran --builder dockerfile --no-config


Deploy app (this will use the settings in fly.toml):

flyctl deploy

Open app:

flyctl open

Staging Deploy

Create the staging app, if needed:

flyctl apps create shartan-staging-houseofmoran --builder dockerfile --no-config

Deploy to staging:

flyctl deploy --config ./fly.staging.toml

Open app:

flyctl open --config ./fly.staging.toml

Domains / SSL

Get IPs:

flyctl ips list

Add the v4 IP as an A record and the v6 IP as the AAAA record

Once that has propagated, create the cert for the domain:

flyctl certs create shartan.houseofmoran.com

Show status:

flyctl certs show shartan.houseofmoran.com


I recommend, unless you really need to test the preview functionality, you just use a standard create-react-app command i.e. npm run start. If you need run with Chrome for previews then you'll need:

# once:
alias chrome="/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome"
chrome --headless --hide-scrollbars --remote-debugging-port=9222 --no-sandbox --disable-gpu &

# then, for each change you want to see:
npm run build
cd server
npm run start 3002