
Please Install kvm (or similar) First

This write-up assumes you can deploy a virtual machine on your system. For a refresher on getting your system ready, see the kvm section of my guide at:

Download the bits

Visit the website and download the Baremetal version which will be an .iso that we can use later with the Ubuntu virtualization solution kvm.

Checksum the bits

Optionally, use the sha256sum command to show the checksum of the downloaded iso file.


Example Output

mike@ubuntu03:~$ sha256sum ./Downloads/kali-linux-2021.4a-installer-amd64.iso 
31a21157378380e2c33b1cee39c303141b3f3c658fde457a545eb948094fab14  ./Downloads/kali-linux-2021.4a-installer-amd64.iso

List Your Current ISOs

Your ISOs can be stored anywhere, but the official location is /var/lib/libvirt/images/. Use the ls command to list the directory contents.

ls -lh /var/lib/libvirt/images/

Copy an ISO (move tehchnically to save space)

Use mv to move the iso file to the desired location.

sudo mv ./Downloads/kali-linux-2021.4a-installer-amd64.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/

Optional - List directory again

sudo ls -lh /var/lib/libvirt/images/

Example Output

mike@ubuntu03:~$ sudo ls -lh /var/lib/libvirt/images/
total 2.9G
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mike mike 2.9G Jan  3 18:53 kali-linux-2021.4a-installer-amd64.iso

Create the VM

Locate the vmm icon in your applications. This is the Virtual Machine Manager that we installed earlier from the command line. It gives us a nice GUI to create virtual machines, take snapshots, etc. For now, we will just create the VM.

Click the + sign and choose generic for the operating system. There is an autodetect feature, but it currently does not detect kali as the os.

Then click through to add the desired amount of cpu and memory. On my desktop that has 16GB RAM and 16 Processors, I give my kali 4 vCPU and 8GB RAM. This is totally up to you though since you can go light or heavy.

For disk, be sure to give enough space. I go with 80 GB and also choose drive encryption. I allow the system to choose auto lvm or similar and it does a good job of breaking things out like /tmp, etc. so you do not need to think about it.

Finally, power on the system and go through the guided install. You will need to stay at the console for the entire install since you will get some prompts all the way to the end.

Login to kali

With your VM powered on, click onto the screen so the console takes focus, then you can login with your user and password created earlier during setup.

Tip: By default kali will make you type in the username and password, so be careful not to type your password into the username field!

Update Kali

Launch a terminal and perform the following.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Note: If you get errors when updating, try using sudo apt full-upgrade -y


In this write-up, we got you up and running with kali Linux as a virtual machine on Ubuntu.

Next Steps

Next, you might want to install some tools.