

In this write-up, we quickly install a bunch of tools to get some basics set up for debugging binaries. All credit for the tools and techniques go to the excellent John Hammond video listed below.


The commands and tools selected here are based on the first 8 minutes (the setup) of:

#Binary Exploitation Deep Dive: Return to LIBC (with Matt)

Search for kali tools

Optionally, you can search for any interesting kali tools at the following link.

Install the gdb debugger

One of the requirements is gdb which is a popular open source debugger. You can optionally visit the official project page at to learn more about the history, etc.

To install on kali we can use apt install as follows:

sudo apt install gdb

#optional - support more operating systems
sudo apt install gdb-multiarch

Note: For more detail at about the kali versions shown above, see the kali tools page at`.

Install java

#Optional - show what what you have or need
sudo apt list libc6 openjdk-11-jdk-headless libgcc-s1 libstdc++6 

#install the requirements
sudo apt install -y libc6 openjdk-11-jdk-headless libgcc-s1 libstdc++6

#install java
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless -y

#test java
java -version

Install Ghidra Reversing Tool

sudo apt install ghidra

Note: The dependencies for ghidra should be part of kali by default, but for reference, the requirements are:


Optional - Install sublime text editor

Optional - Install Visual Studio Code

Optional - Install Eclipse IDE

You can optionally install Eclipse which is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java, C, etc.

Native Tools on kali (python3 and pip)

Some things we have by default in kali are python3 and pip, which we can confirm with --version. We will use these tools later.

python3 --version

pip --version

Optional - Install bpython

sudo apt install bpython

Install pwn with pip

pip install pwn

Note: Not to be confused with pwninit which we install later.

About gef Requirements

If you download the entire repo then you can just point to this file with pip to install all of them with pip install -r requirements.txt as shown in the steps later.

The following is the content of the file in case of interest.

## example "requirements.txt" for `gef`.

		cat ┌──(tech1㉿kali001)-[~]
└─$ cat ~/Downloads/.gef/requirements.txt

Installing gef

So before we install, gef be sure to launch your regular gdb at least once so you know what it looks like. Once you install gef it enhances your experience with gdb next time you launch it.

#optional - launch `gdb`

#quit gdb
press q

#install gef (pick an option)

	#option 1 - entire repo
	#this is good because you can look at required packages
		#change directory
		cd Downloads

		#download the repo
		git clone

		#change directory
		cd gef

		#copy the script to your home directory
		cp ~/

		#list required packages
		cat ~/Downloads/.gef/requirements.txt

		#install required packages with pip
		pip install -r requirements.txt

	#option 2 - download just the script
	#this is good if you have all the pre-reqs or will do them later

		wget -q "" -O "${HOME}/"

#create a .gdbinit file, if needed
touch ~/.gdbinit
vi ~/.gdbinit

#contents of .gdbinit should be the following one line:
source ~/

#use gef

#get help


Using ldd

Review the help information and best practices for this tool.

Install rust

This install may take some time, so be patient.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Note: After the rust installation completes, close and relaunch your terminal

Confirm rust is installed

We can use the cargo command to confirm that rust is ready.

cargo --version

Note: cargo is the package manager for rust.

Installing pwninit with cargo

First, we install a long list of pre-requisites using apt, and then finally we use cargo to download and build the pwninit package.

Note: You can optionally install multiple packages with apt on a single line (just add a space between), but here we show one at time.

#install patchelf
sudo apt install patchelf

#install elfutils
sudo apt install elfutils

#install pkg-config
sudo apt install pkg-config

#install lzma
sudo apt install lzma

#install liblzma-dev
sudo apt install liblzma-dev

#install libssl-dev  #note: we already have `openssl` by default but we also need this.
sudo apt install libssl-dev

#install pwninit
cargo install pwninit

Tip: If your build fails, try to resolve any dependencies mentioned in the error and then run the cargo install pwninit command again. All previous downloads and progress are remembered automatically, so once you have all of the requirements, the compile should be fast and all green..

Running pwnit

#optional - show location of binary you just built
which pwninit

#usage (note: only run from the directory to analyze / setup)
#warning: this will make some bits exectuable in this directory
cd <folder-of-some-bits-to-hack>
/path/to/pwninit   #this generates a ""

#optional - Review ``
less ./

Note: The would be used by the leaders of a capture the flag challenge to setup a scenario.


In this write-up, we got you up and running with some some binary debugging tools for kali Linux.