Build Status Coverage Status PEP8 License: MIT


Ride-my App(apiv3) is a carpooling api that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.

Home Image

Getting Started

Go to 
Download or clone the repository to your local machine. 
Open the project using your ide


  • Python 3 and above.
  • Virtual environment.
  • Flask
  • flask-restplus
  • Postman
  • Browser e.g Chrome, firefox, safari
  • Postgres


Creating virtual environment

On the root directory folder, open cmd.

* Run the command: virtualenv venv
* Activating virtual environment : cd venv\Scripts: activate 

Application requirements

The requirements.txt files will contain all the requirements needed for the application.
To install the requirements :

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Ensure you are located within the root directory and your virtual env. is activated
Some of the third party modules that will be installed are:

  • flask - Python module used for building web application.
  • flask-restplus - flask extension used for developing API.
  • Coverage - Python module used in testing, for assessing the quantity of test covered.
  • Pytest - Python module for running test.


Sign up and login to access features.
Endpoint available for this api are shown in the table below:

|Requests     |   EndPoint                           | Functionality                         | Fields
   GET        |  /api/v3/rides                       | Get all Rides                         | 
   GET        |  /api/v3/rides/{rideId}              | Get a specific ride                   | id required(int)                     
   DELETE     |  /api/v3/driver/rideId               | Delete ride                           | id required (int)
   POST       |  /api/v3/driver/rides                | Add a ride                            | e.g {"route": "Nairobi-Thika", "driver": "Reg Nduku", "time": 8:00}                                                                                               
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/rides/{rideId}/Request      | Request to join a ride                | e.g {"username": "james", "pick_point": "syokimau", "time": 8:00 }
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/driver/rides/rideId/Accept  | Accept the request passengers request |  
   PUT        |  /api/v3/driver/rides/rideId         | Modify ride details                   |
                                                                                             | if changing route e.g {"route": "Naivasha - Nakuru"}
                                                                                                    "       driver   {"driver": "Kevin Auri"}
                                                                                                    "        time    {"time": "12:00"}
   POST       |  /api/v3/register                    | Register users                        | e.g register as a passanger {"username": "test_user", "email", "password": "12345"}
                                                                                               e.g register as driver {"username": "test_user", "email", "password": "12345", "driver": true}
   POST       |  /api/v3/login                       | Login user                            | e.g {"email: "", "password": "1234"}
   PUT        |  /api/v3/auth/user/email             | Reset password                        | e.g  /api/v3/auth/user/email 
   PUT        |  /api/v3/auth/user/email             | Reset username                        | e.g  /api/v3/auth/user/email 
   GET        |  /api/v3/admin/users                 | Get all users                         |
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/admin/users/<int:user_id>   | Promote users                         | email required

Environment variable

export settings:
export SECRET_KEY=!@#$%^&*
export database=dbname=RideMyWaydb

Run application on postman 


## Running test

coverage run -m unittest pytest


## Built using

* python 3.6.5
* Flask
* flask-restplus


## Heroku

## Versioning
Most recent version: version 3


## Authors
Michael Mutua 


## Acknowledgments

* Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
* Inspiration and encouragement
* etc
