
Node wrapper for nuget.

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Node wrapper for Nuget.


$ npm install nuget-runner --save


First, create a nuget runner, passing in the desired default options. The ones below apply to all or most commands, however any command option can be specified. For example you can specify noCache: true to ensure all commands that support that option do not use the cache.

var Nuget = require('nuget-runner');

// Create the nuget instance passing in default options.
var nuget = Nuget({

    // Optional path to the nuget executable. If omitted 
    // nuget.exe must be in the PATH.
    nugetPath: 'path/to/nuget.exe',
    // The API key.
    apiKey: '78a53314-c2c0-45c6-9d92-795b2096ae6c',

    // Display this amount of details in the output.
    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',

    // The NuGet configuation file. If not specified, file 
    // %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config is used as configuration file.
    configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'


These defaults can be selectively overridden in the individual command options.

var nuget = Nuget({ verbosity: 'quiet' });

nuget.push(..., { verbosity: 'detailed' })

All commands return a promise. Success returns stdout:

    .done(function(stdout) {

Failure returns the error:

    .fail(function(error) {

The following are the supported commands and options.


(nuget.exe v3.3 and above) Adds the provided package to your package source in a hierarchical layout in order to provide significant performance benefits. See here for more details.


    // Specifies the path to the package to be added and the package source, 
    // which is a folder or UNC share, to which the nupkg will be added. Http 
    // sources are not supported.
    nupkg: 'path/to/file.nupkg',

    // Specifies the folderBasedPackageSource to which the nupkg will be 
    // added. Http sources are not supported.
    source: '\\\\server\\path',

    // If provided, all the files in the package are added to your package 
    // source.
    expand: true,

    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed'



Sets NuGet config values. See here for more details.


        name1: 'value1',
        name2: 'value2' 


    // Options

        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Deletes a package from the server. See here for more details.


    // Id of the package.

    // Version of the package.
    // Options
        // Specifies the server URL.
        source: 'http://mynugetserver.org',

        apiKey: '78a53314-c2c0-45c6-9d92-795b2096ae6c',
        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Installs a package using the specified sources. If no sources are specified, all sources defined in %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config are used. If NuGet.config specifies no sources, uses the default NuGet feed. See here for more details.


    // Specify the package id. Or if a path to a packages.config file is 
    // used instead of an id, all the packages it contains are installed.

    // Options
        // A list of packages sources to use for the install.
        // Can either be a path, url or config value.
        source: ['http://mynugetserver.org', 'path/to/source', 'ConfigValue'],
        // Specifies the directory in which packages will be installed. 
        // If none specified, uses the current directory.
        outputDirectory: 'path/to/output/directory',
        // The version of the package to install.
        version: '',
        // If set, the destination directory will contain only 
        // the package name, not the version number.
        excludeVersion: true,
        // Allows prerelease packages to be installed. This flag is not required 
        // when restoring packages by installing from packages.config.
        preRelease: true,
        // Disable looking up packages from local machine cache.
        noCache: true,
        // Checks if package restore consent is granted before installing a package.
        requireConsent: true,
        // Solution root for package restore.
        solutionDirectory: 'path/to/solution/directory',

        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Mirrors a package and its dependencies from the specified source repositories to the target repository. See here for more details.


    // Specify the id of the package to mirror. If a path to a 
    // packages.config file is used instead of a package id, all 
    // the packages it contains are mirrored to the given version 
    // (if specified) or latest otherwise.

    // The url of the list target repository.

    // The url of the publish target repository.

    // Options
        // A list of packages sources to use for the finding packages to mirror. 
        // If no sources are specified, the ones defined in the default NuGet config 
        // file are used. If the default NuGet config file specifies no sources, 
        // uses the default NuGet feed. Can either be a path, url or config value.
        source: ['http://mynugetserver.org', 'path/to/source', 'ConfigValue'],
        // The version of the package to install. If not specified, latest 
        // version is mirrored.
        version: '',
        // When set, "latest" when specifying no version for a package id (as command 
        // argument or in packages.config) includes pre-release packages.
        preRelease: true,
        // Specifies the timeout for pushing to a server in seconds. Defaults to 
        // 300 seconds (5 minutes).
        timeout: 600,
        // By default a local cache is used as a fallback when a package or a 
        // package dependency is not found in the specified source(s). If you 
        // want to ensure only packages from the specified sources are used, 
        // set the NoCache option. If you want instead to maximize chances 
        // of finding packages, do not set this option.
        noCache: true,
        // Log what would be done without actually doing it. Assumes success 
        // for push operations.
        noOp: true,

        apiKey: '78a53314-c2c0-45c6-9d92-795b2096ae6c'



Creates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file. See here for more details.


    // Specify the location of the nuspec or project file to create a package.
    spec: 'path/to/nuspec|path/to/project/file', 

    // Specifies the directory for the created NuGet package file. 
    // If not specified, uses the current directory.
    outputDirectory: 'path/of/output',

    // The base path of the files defined in the nuspec file.
    basePath: 'source/path', 

    // Shows verbose output for package building.
    verbose: true,

    // Overrides the version number from the nuspec file.
    version: '',

    // Specifies one or more wildcard patterns to exclude when creating a package.
    exclude: [ '**\\*.log', '**\\.DS_Store' ],

    // Determines if a package containing sources and symbols should be created. 
    // When specified with a nuspec, creates a regular NuGet package file and 
    // the corresponding symbols package.
    symbols: true,

    // Determines if the output files of the project should be in the tool folder.
    tool: true,

    // Determines if the project should be built before building the package.
    build: true,

    // Prevent default exclusion of NuGet package files and files and folders 
    // starting with a dot e.g. .svn.
    noDefaultExcludes: true,

    // Specify if the command should not run package analysis after building 
    // the package.
    noPackageAnalysis: true,

    // Include referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package. 
    // If a referenced project has a corresponding nuspec file that has the same name 
    // as the project, then that referenced project is added as a dependency. Otherwise, 
    // the referenced project is added as part of the package.
    includeReferencedProjects: true,

    // Prevent inclusion of empty directories when building the package.
    excludeEmptyDirectories: true,

    // Provides the ability to specify properties when creating a package.
    properties: {

        name1: 'value1',
        name2: 'value2'


    // Set the minClientVersion attribute for the created package. This value will 
    // override the value of the existing minClientVersion attribute (if any) in 
    // the .nuspec file.
    minClientVersion: '2.5',

    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed'



Pushes a package to the server and publishes it. NuGet's default configuration is obtained by loading %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config, then loading any nuget.config or .nuget\nuget.config starting from root of drive and ending in current directory. See here for more details.


    // Specify the path to the package.

    // Options

        // Specifies the server URL. If not specified, nuget.org is used unless 
        // `DefaultPushSource` config value is set in the NuGet config file. Starting 
        // with NuGet 2.5, if NuGet.exe identifies a UNC/folder source, it will 
        // perform the file copy to the source.
        source: '\\\\mycompany\\repo',
        // Specifies the timeout for pushing to a server in seconds. Defaults to 
        // 300 seconds (5 minutes).
        timeout: 600,

        apiKey: '78a53314-c2c0-45c6-9d92-795b2096ae6c',
        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Downloads and unzips (restores) any packages missing from the packages folder. See here for more details.


    // Specify the solution path or path to a packages.config file.
    packages: 'path/to/solution.sln|path/to/packages.config', 
    // A list of packages sources to use for the install.
    // Can either be a path, url or config value.
    source: ['http://mynugetserver.org', 'path/to/source', 'ConfigValue'],
    // Disable using the machine cache as the first package source.
    noCache: true,
    // Checks if package restore consent is granted before restoring a package.
    requireConsent: true,
    // Specifies the packages directory.
    packagesDirectory: 'path/to/solution/directory',
    // Specifies the solution directory. Not valid when restoring packages 
    // for a solution.
    solutionDirectory: 'path/to/solution/directory',
    // Disable parallel nuget package restores.
    disableParallelProcessing: true,

    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
    configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'


Set API Key

Saves an API key for a given server URL. When no URL is provided API key is saved for the NuGet gallery. See here for more details.


    // Specify the API key to save.

    // Options

        // Server URL where the API key is valid.
        source: 'http://mynugetserver.org',

        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Provides the ability to manage list of sources located in %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config. See here for more details.


    // Name of the source.
    'Source name', 

    // Action to perform on the source.

    // Options

        // Path to the package(s) source.
        source: 'path/to/sources',

        // UserName to be used when connecting to an authenticated source.
        username: 'username',

        // Password to be used when connecting to an authenticated source.
        password: 'p@$$w0rd',

        // Do not encrypt the password and store it in clear text.
        storePasswordInClearText: true, 

        verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
        configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Generates a nuspec for a new package. If this command is run in the same folder as a project file (.csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj), it will create a tokenized nuspec file. See here for more details.


    // Id of the package.
    packageId: 'MyPackage', 

    // Assembly to use for metadata.
    assemblyPath: 'MyAssembly.dll',

    // Overwrite nuspec file if it exists.
    force: true,   

    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
    configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



Update packages to latest available versions. This command also updates NuGet.exe itself. Please note that the presence of Packages folder is required to run the Update command. A recommended way is to run NuGet.exe Restore command first before running the Update command. See here for more details.

    // Specify the solution path or path to a packages.config file.
    packages: 'path/to/solution.sln|path/to/packages.config', 

    // A list of package sources to search for updates.
    source: ['http://mynugetserver.org', 'path/to/source', 'ConfigValue'],

    // Package ids to update.
    packageIds: [ 'PackageA', 'PackageB' ],

    // Path to the local packages folder (location where packages are installed).
    repositoryPath: 'path/to/repository',

    // Looks for updates with the highest version available within the same 
    // major and minor version as the installed package.
    safe: true,

    // Update the running NuGet.exe to the newest version available from the server.
    self: true,

    // Show verbose output while updating.
    verbose: true,

    // Allows updating to prerelease versions. This flag is not required when 
    // updating prerelease packages that are already installed.
    preRelease: true,

    // The action to take, when asked to overwrite or ignore existing files 
    // referenced by the project.
    fileConflictAction: 'Overwrite|Ignore|None',

    verbosity: 'normal|quiet|detailed',
    configFile: 'path/to/nuget.config'



MIT License