Remember to
npm install
andpip install awscli [--upgrade]
(at least version1.14.24
) -
Create a Route53 Hosted Zone for your domain (if you don't have one already)
Change the
value in thecustom
block ofserverless.yml
to match your actual domain:custom: customDomain: domainName: keyvalue.<mydomain>.com endpointType: 'regional' certificateRegion: ${opt:region} createRoute53Record: false tableName: "keyvalues"
certificates in ACM in both us-west-2 and eu-central-1. (Oregon and Frankfurt):
$ aws acm request-certificate --domain-name keyvalue.<mydomain>.com --validation-method EMAIL --region us-west-2
$ aws acm request-certificate --domain-name keyvalue.<mydomain>.com --validation-method EMAIL --region eu-central-1
Don't forget to confirm both certificates via email.
Create the custom domains for both regions:
$ sls create_domain --region us-west-2 Serverless: 'keyvalue.<mydomain>.com' was created/updated. New domains may take up to 40 minutes to be initialized. $ sls create_domain --region eu-central-1 Serverless: 'keyvalue.<mydomain>.com' was created/updated. New domains may take up to 40 minutes to be initialized.
Deploy your service in
(Oregon):$ sls deploy --region us-west-2 ...<deploy output> ...
Test it!
Set a key in US West:
$ US_ENDPOINT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name serverless-keyvalue-dev --region us-west-2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ServiceEndpoint`].OutputValue' --output text) $ curl $US_ENDPOINT/mytestkey -d '{"value": "Just testing"}' {"key": "mytestkey", "value": "Just testing", "region": "us-west-2"}
Retrieve the key in Oregon:
$ curl $US_ENDPOINT/mytestkey {"key": "mytestkey", "value": "Just testing", "writeRegion": "us-west-2", "readRegion": "us-west-2"}
Deploy to
(Frankfurt):$ sls deploy --region eu-central-1 ...<deploy output> ...
Clean out your initial table:
$ bash clean-table.sh
Create your global table:
$ bash create-global-table.sh { "GlobalTableDescription": { "GlobalTableStatus": "CREATING", "GlobalTableName": "keyvalues", "ReplicationGroup": [ { "RegionName": "us-west-2" }, { "RegionName": "eu-central-1" } ], "CreationDateTime": 1516220398.243, "GlobalTableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb::488110005556:global-table/keyvalues" } }
Test it out!
Set a key in Oregon:
$ curl $US_ENDPOINT/mytestkey -d '{"value": "Just testing"}' {"key": "mytestkey", "value": "Just testing", "region": "us-west-2"}
Retrieve the key in Frankfurt:
EU_ENDPOINT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name serverless-keyvalue-dev --region eu-central-1 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ServiceEndpoint`].OutputValue' --output text) $ curl $EU_ENDPOINT/mytestkey {"key": "mytestkey", "value": "my value", "writeRegion": "us-west-2", "readRegion": "eu-central-1"}
Set up the Route53 Latency records (don't forget to open the script and configure your domain and subdomain):
$ bash set-record-sets.sh { "ChangeInfo": { "Status": "PENDING", "Comment": "...", "SubmittedAt": "2018-01-18T11:16:44.979Z", "Id": "/change/C29MDVT401H462" } }
Curl your key:
$ curl https://<yourActualDomain>/mytestkey {"key": "mytestkey", "value": "my value", "writeRegion": "us-west-2", "readRegion": "eu-central-1"}