
Simple java library and app (SpringBoot) with a Swing GUI (JavaFX is in-progress) to display a selectable range of data (ex: histogram) and streamline interaction with the selection.

Primary LanguageJava


Range Selector

This is a utility for generating a GUI and related controllers/providers to obtain a selectable range. The initial target is for selecting a frequency range in a simple and intuitive way. Currently, this is specifically for selecting a 2D range along the X-axis.

Initially, this will focus on providing a Swing based GUI for selecting a range of values, but the goal is to offer both Swing and JavaFX-based solutions eventually.


One common feature is the ability to lock the range selection; this will preserve the current state until unlocked whether that state includes a selected range or not.

This is the ultra-simple proof-of-concept view: Simple Range Selection

Here is a basic histogram-based range selection view with an icon (that doubles as a button) showing the lock state: Basic Histogram

Demo App

The demo application is what runs when you execute the Spring application (./gradlew bootRun) Range Selector Demo App Launcher


This project requires:

Other Key Libraries

This project leverages a few key libraries:

  • Spring Boot (dependency injection framework and application runner)
  • Apache Commons Lang3 (primarily for the Range class)


To build this project:

./gradlew clean build


Command Line Runner Example

To run the basic sample from the command line, execute:

./gradlew runSample

As a Library in Your Project

This is intended to be pulled into another project as a library.

Add the dependency:

implementation 'com.mikeoertli:range-selector'

Inject the RangeSelectorProvider and request a RangeSelectorController:

public class MyApplication {
    private final RangeSelectorProvider rangeSelectorProvider;

    public MyApplication(RangeSelectorProvider rangeSelectorProvider)
        this.rangeSelectorProvider = rangeSelectorProvider;
    public void doStuff()
        RangeSelectorController controller = rangeSelectorProvider.createRangeSelectorController();
        RangeSelectorPanel panel = controller.getPanel();

        // ...



Mike Oertli

Questions, comments, and pull requests are welcome!