
Matlab script for reading OSC stream from muse-io

Primary LanguageMatlab


Read OSC TCP packages sent by muse-io in Matlab

Because of slow Matlab decoding speed, script does not uses OSC structure to read messages and allows only receiving of float32 type arguments. If there is only one type of packages in the stream, instead of decoding all bits, the server calculates the package's size and reads only last n float32 numbers from it. Read instructions on how to send only one type of data to the Matlab.


  1. Connect to the Interaxon Muse using muse-io.
  2. Run MuseLAB and open the port (default is 5000) to receive messages from muse-io.
  3. Run Matlab script osc_server_muse with the specified port (e.g. 5001) and message specification. You need to input path (e.g. /muse/eeg) and tag (e.g. ffff) to allow the script to compute the messages' length. For the path and tag combinations, read available data in the documentation. For EEG plotting, Matlab uses DSP Toolbox object TimeScope.
  4. Go to OSC > Outgoing tab in the MuseLAB and add new forwarding address, e.g.
  5. To forward only one type of messages from the MuseLAB, choose one address pattern in the menu. It should now send predefined messages that can be quickly read by Matlab.


Currently script allows for time-domain and bar plots of input channels. For EEG, it is recommended to use TimeScope, while alpha_relative channel and others can be plotted dynamically using bar plot object.

Further reading

  1. Open Sound Control specifies the structure of TCP packages.
  2. OSC Paths page descibes how to read timestamps.