
urlRedirector is a link redirecting plugin to be used in websites to redirect to external URLs without leaking the Referer. It also logs the redirection data in a TEXT file as well as in MySQL database for aggregate statistics.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

urlRedirector - A web based link redirecting plugin.

Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Otieno. All Rights Reserved.

urlRedirector is a link redirecting plugin to be used in websites to redirect to external URLs without leaking the Referer. It also logs the redirection data in a TEXT file as well as in MySQL database for aggregate statistics.


  1. Web Server - A web server with PHP language and MySQL database like Apache
  2. Web Browser - A web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, e.t.c

You can download the latest version of the urlRedirector, adjust the redirector to your needs and integrate it with your website or application.

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