
This is a coding exercise I was asked to complete.

Primary LanguageRuby

This coding exercise is used to gauge the level of Ruby on Rails experience for developer candidates.

Feel free to use Ruby Gems, Google, Stack Overflow, or any other resources available in a day-to-day working environment.


Fork this repository and checkout the code to your local development environment.

Run the Rake DB create and Migrate tasks:

bin/rake db:create db:migrate

Run RSpec to verify test suite is working:



When code complete; please submit a Pull Request to have your branch reviewed.

Coding Exercise

Task 1: Write a Rake task to import 311 case data into a SQL database. The rake task should run everyday at 12:00am and import all new cases since last run.

We use MySQL, so this project is setup accordingly, but if you're more comfortable with Postgres, you can change the DB config.

Example usage of 311 case data API: https://data.sfgov.org/Service-Requests-311-/Case-Data-from-San-Francisco-311/vw6y-z8j6

Task 2: Implement JSON API endpoints to view and filter 311 case data for the following scenarios.

GET /cases.json
# Returns all cases

GET /cases.json?since=1398465719
# Returns cases opened since UNIX timestamp 1398465719

GET /cases.json?status=open
# Returns cases that are in open state.

GET /cases.json?category=General%20Requests
# Returns cases that belong to "General Requests" category

GET /cases.json?near=37.77,-122.48
# Returns cases that were created within 5 mile radius of lat=37.77 and lng=-122.48

GET /cases.json?near=37.77,-122.48&status=open&category=General%20Requests
# API endpoint should be able to take any combination of GET params.

Task 3: Include test/specs for Rake task and API.