Package to use Uploadcare in Meteor, loads on demand, optional callback.
Add package
meteor add nate-strauser:uploadcare-plus
"public" : {
If you specify a public_key, the call to UploadCarePlus.load()
does not need a key argument, it will read from the settings.
You can specify more globals ( in the configuration if you wish. Just make them lowercase and strip the "UPLOADCARE_" substring. For example:
"public" : {
"images_only": true,
"locale": "es",
"cdn_base": ""
Load once for your whole application at startup or as needed from template created or rendered functions
UploadCarePlus.load('<YOUR PUBLIC KEY>');
//can leave out key if its in settings
You can call this over and over again. It will detect if uploadcare has already been loaded, only loading the script when needed.
if you have specific routes that need to use uploadcare, you can load them for just these routes
UploadCarePlus.load('<YOUR KEY>');
//can leave out key if its in settings;
},{only:['<ROUTE NAME>','<ROUTE NAME>']});
Uou can use this helper to resize images on demand. See
size an image
{{uploadcareUUIDToImageUrl UUID '-/resize/200x200/'}}
You can use this in an image tag
<img src="{{uploadcareUUIDToImageUrl UUID '-/resize/200x200/'}}">
Derived from impicker and my own filepicker-plus package