Due to the amount of changes required to make protobuf work with Node v0.11.13+, and my increasing distaste for C++ (but not plain C, of course), I have decided to step down from maintaing this project (and all my other C++ npm modules).
If someone would like to take over as maintainer of protobuf, please contact me.
Many thanks to everyone who has provided bug reports and pull requests over the last couple of years.
This is a fork of http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-for-node/
It now works with the NodeJS 0.8.x and 0.10.x series.
To install, just type:
npm install protobuf
Thanks to work by seishun, it now uses node-gyp and has google's protocol bufferes library integrated, so no separate installtion required.
All the best,
P.S. Breaking change in 0.8.6: uint64 and int64 are now read as Javascript Strings, rather than floating point numbers. They can still be set from Javascript Numbers (as well as from string).
P.P.S. Here's an example I did for chrisdew#29 - most users won't need the complication of bytes
package com.chrisdew.buftest;
message BufTest {
optional float num = 1;
optional bytes payload = 2;
var fs = require('fs');
var Schema = require('protobuf').Schema;
// "schema" contains all message types defined in buftest.proto|desc.
var schema = new Schema(fs.readFileSync('buftest.desc'));
// The "BufTest" message.
var BufTest = schema['com.chrisdew.buftest.BufTest'];
var ob = { num: 42 };
ob.payload = new Buffer("Hello World");
var proto = BufTest.serialize(ob);
console.log('proto.length:', proto.length);
var outOb = BufTest.parse(proto);
console.log('unserialised:', JSON.stringify(outOb));
var payload = new Buffer(outOb.payload);
Makefile: (second line begins with a TAB not spaces)
protoc --descriptor_set_out=buftest.desc --include_imports buftest.proto
$ node buftest.js
proto.length: 18
unserialised: {"num":42,"payload":{"0":72,"1":101,"2":108,"3":108,"4":111,"5":32,"6":87,"7":111,"8":114,"9":108,"10":100,"length":11}}
payload: <Buffer 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64>