
Location of CSV export

tassilo-posegga opened this issue · 7 comments

About this issue

Having troubles findind the CSV exported.
Looked into root build and app/build folder after running app:exportLibraries
Also I couldn"t find any information in the documentation. Can we update the docs?


Used library version: 8.9.4


The exportLibraries task will only export it to the CLI as it is noted here:

IF you want to have csv files generated on disks you may be interested in the exportComplianceLibraries{BuildVariant} (which is only available for Android variants)


The exportLibraries task will only export it to the CLI as it is noted here: https://github.com/mikepenz/AboutLibraries/blob/develop/plugin-build/plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/mikepenz/aboutlibraries/plugin/AboutLibrariesPlugin.kt#L47

IF you want to have csv files generated on disks you may be interested in the exportComplianceLibraries{BuildVariant} (which is only available for Android variants)


Thanks for for the quick reply.
#854 proposed to add the CLI info to the readme.

I'll dig deeper into the compliance task. I didn't see any file summarizing the dependencies, but only the dependencies folder with all listed deps.

Alright, so default dependencies folder in root should contain export.csv and export.txt correct? It looks like they are not there in my case

NVM. Just figured they are just in root. Thx. Will also add this info to the readme

If no export path was defined then it will write those files into the root of your project: https://github.com/mikepenz/AboutLibraries/blob/develop/plugin-build/plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/mikepenz/aboutlibraries/plugin/AboutLibrariesExportComplianceTask.kt#LL17C9-L17C19

Btw looking at the documentation again i couldn't see any property exportPath mentioned in the aboutLibraries { configuration block. Is it just missing in the docs?

The exportPath is not part of the aboutLibraries block but instead provided to the CLI: https://github.com/mikepenz/AboutLibraries#enterprise

./gradlew app:exportLibraryDefinitions -PaboutLibraries.exportPath=src/main/res/raw/