AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments
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- 1
Discrepancies between list of dependencies found by AboutLibrary and the dependencies task
#1039 opened by redwarp - 9
Missing content field for additional license
#1034 opened by ElliotAl86 - 1
- 2
In multiplatform projects, :shared:exportLibraryDefinitions exports all platform instead of only shared libraries
#1020 opened by coletz - 2
App theme not showing up for library activity
#1021 opened by rameshphilips - 2
After migrating to convention plugin the aboutLibraries.json is not complete.
#1028 opened by sunragav - 3
- 2
- 1
Manually add licenses
#1024 opened by adrcotfas - 1
Please see the sample compose desktop app below:
#1023 opened by jemaladem27 - 2
Provide an option to not write the `"generated"` metadata property in Json output
#1022 opened by opatry - 7
KMP export path not working
#916 opened by MitjaHenner - 8
Library detected as malicious by Sangfor Engine Zero
#1019 opened by papjul - 5
- 7
"excludeFields" is applied to all fields and not just to the fields in "Library"
#1014 opened by SageDroid - 2
[Feature Request] Configure library name substitutions
#1012 opened by dgmltn - 4
Unable to make AboutLibraries work
#1013 opened by alghe-global - 3
Only retrieve top level dependencies
#986 opened by jwson-automation - 7
Using with Jetpack Navigation (project reboot)
#1004 opened by iainism - 2
Code embedded in the content of BSD license
#995 opened by przanBrainly - 2
The plugin returns "${extension.name} API" as library name for "Javax annotation API" Library
#1006 opened by sergio-sastre - 3
- 3
OFL not found
#1005 opened by ferhatozcelik - 2
Upgrading to latest from 8.9.4
#1002 opened by korejan - 1
[Question] How to properly integrate with
#999 opened by tallnato - 2
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- 2
Not able to search videos
#987 opened by starbroker - 10
- 0
#979 opened by MIRELOSZKA196 - 17
error "Retrieved no components for:" after changing build.gradle to build.gradle.kts
#931 opened by tateisu - 9
License dialog text is not shown correctly
#953 opened by LethalMaus - 1
v11.1.0-b02 did not publish all artifacts
#959 opened by msfjarvis - 3
Warning logs after updating to version 10.9.1
#955 opened by andrebcmarinho - 5
Duplicate "AboutLibraries Library" listed
#949 opened by RyeGordo - 8
With configPath, Gradle uses task without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency
#936 opened by blundell - 16
Legacy UI whole app gradle 8.1.2
#930 opened by sucicf1 - 1
Roku Lib
#946 opened by PolarPanda25 - 3
failure to handle missing Intent
#938 opened by mbiebl - 4
Black activity and show only app bar
#935 opened by maxrave-dev - 0
#934 opened by Haydenrobwrtson - 12
Stackoverflow error in collectDependencies
#923 opened by Siedlerchr - 6
Jetpack Compose: Dialog confirm button cannot be styled for Material 3 apps
#926 opened by svenjacobs - 3
Strange animation if header is set
#919 opened by Paschmid - 5
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Missing v10.8.2 artifacts on Maven Central
#905 opened by arkon