
KMP export path not working

MitjaHenner opened this issue · 2 comments

About this issue

I'm using compose multiplatform and moko resources, I want to export the aboutLibraries.json to the moko folder, but when I run: ./gradlew common:exportLibraryDefinitions -PaboutLibraries.exportPath=src/commonMain/resources/MR/files/
I get:
Task '.exportPath=src/commonMain/resources/MR/files/' not found in root project 'Project' and its subprojects.


  • [10.9.0-b02] Used library version
  • [1.5.0] Compose
  • [8.2 / 8.1.1 AGP] Used gradle build tools version
  • [2023.1.1 Beta 3] Used tooling / Android Studio version

@MitjaHenner this looks to be some form of problem with the way the exportPath is passed.

Can you please provide more details of your environment? Can you reproduce this with this project itself using:

./gradlew app-desktop:exportLibraryDefinitions -PaboutLibraries.exportPath=src/main/resources/

Tested it locally and it does not seem to have problems with it.

Please report back. Closing due to in-activity