
Short Python script for deriving Bitcoin brainwallet passphrases from rolls of a 6-sided die

Primary LanguagePython


Short Python console script for deriving Bitcoin brainwallet passphrases from rolls of a 6-sided die. Supports generating passphrases with 64, 128, or 256 bits of entropy (256 is recommended).

Installation Instructions:

First install Python 3.1 or later (script has been tested with 3.1.4 and 3.3.0). Extract dice-wallet repository from ZIP file.


Instructions for use:

Run the python executable on dicewallet.py in a terminal window. The file diceware.wordlist.asc.txt must be in the same folder as the script. The script uses text I/O on the console to communicate with the user. Have a six-sided die ready, and follow the prompts.