
An application that allows users to create or view webpages for music artists. Users can create their own account and give input in order to create these webpages.

Primary LanguageCSS



This application allows users to create or view webpages for music artists. Users can create their own account and give input in order to create these webpages.

Technologies used

Tailwind CSS Framework - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
Used to help style everything that we created.

Cloudinary Upload Widget - Cloudinary's Upload widget is a complete, interactive user interface that enables your users to upload files from a variety of sources to your website or application.
Used to give the user picture upload functionality.

Spotify Embedded Code - Spotify integration that gives users code to use on webpage
Used to display interactive spotify content on our site.

Twitter Embedded Code - Twitter integration that gives users code to use on webpage
Used to display interactive twitter content on our site.

Acceptance Criteria

AS A DEVELOPER, I want an application that allows artists to create a page for themselves.
WHEN I input a name and bio into the appropriate fields.
THEN that information is used for their respecitve fields on the artist's page.
WHEN I paste embedded code from twitter and spotify.
THEN those integrations display interactive content on the artist's page.
WHEN I use the Cloudinary Upload Widget.
THEN I have options to upload from the local computer, search the web, or use social media sites.
THEN the chosen picutre is used for the artist's image on the artist's page.
WHEN I click the submit button.
THEN the page is created with all user input having created the appropriate content.
WHEN I click the edit button.
THEN I am able to edit the chosen project.
WHEN I click the delete button.
THEN I am able to delete the chosen project after a confirmation.
WHEN I login or signup for an account.
THEN I am taken to the profile of the matching user.




Screenshot of deployed application