Module create to include custom functions that work with VMWare's PowerCLI. For use with other cmdlets and scripts.
NOTE Some of the functions are still using PowerNSX. As such you will need the following versions of PowerCLI installed:
VMware.PowerCLI Version
Use the following to install the specific version of PowerCLI
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -RequiredVersion
Clone the repository into your $Home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder (create the Modules folder if you dont have one already)
cd $Home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\
git clone
Then you can import the custom module into your running shell...
Import-Module ps-vmtools
A function that connects to the specified vCenter, and retrieves a filtered list of VM's
Get-VMList -Server "Hostname" -Credential "Username" -Filter "Partial Name to search for"
Get-VMList -Server -Credential administrator@vsphere.local -Filter "*TEMP*"