
Artificial Intelligence Library

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

// ###################################################################
// #### This file is part of the mathematics library project, and is
// #### offered under the licence agreement described on
// #### http://www.mrsoft.org/
// ####
// #### Copyright:(c) 2014, Michael R. . All rights reserved.
// ###################################################################

This library contains classes for easy classifier design. For simple
classifier design check out the TestApp - basically this is a unit test
application -and see there which classifieres are available and how
to use them. It's recommended to have base knowledge about the underlying
algorithms. Quite a few algorithms have been designed with 
robustness in mind (robustness in terms of outlying pixels or occluded areas).

The package includes:

* Standard Fisher LDA classifier
* Robust (and Fast Robust) version of this classifier
* Incremental (and Robust) Fisher LDA classifier learning.
* Support Vector Machines (least squares and lagrangian learning)
* Naive Bayes
* Simple Decission stumps
* Radial basis function
* C4.5 Decission trees.
* K-means
* Ensemble classifiers: AdaBoost, Gentle Boost, Bagging
* Simple feed forward Neural Nets

On top of these classifiers there exists a few image database handling routines
and an 1D, 2D Haar Feature extractor which is based on an integral image approach.

A testing application TestClassifier.dpr which shows the usage and performance of these
classifiers on various tasks (e.g. face recognition).


This library is an extension of the mrMath and mrImgUtils libraries and 
therefore depending on it!

You can check out the libraries from 


First download both of these libraries and compile the included dpk files.
Also add the directories to the library (and or) search paths!


This library was built mainly for the windows platform and is 
compatible with Delphi2007 and later versions. 


Rabatscher Michael contact via www.mrsoft.org


Date 10.8.2021:
* Groundhog day on SVM: fixed least squares scaling.

Date 26.05.2021:
* Various bugfixes for SVM.
* Fixed a problem in the threaded decission stump learner where the threshold calculation was off by one.
* simplified decission stump learner code

Date 27.4.2020:
* speed up of the c4.5 implementation (thanks for the valuable input of N. Peladeau)
* Multithreaded c4.5
* Added some new features for c4.5: Stopping if a tree part has less then a certain minimum examples.

Date: 12.06.2017:
* Implemented new idea for weighted neural network learning (weight multiplication on backprop step)

Date: 16.03.2017:
* started change log
* Added quite a few confidence calculations: svm, lda, neural network, rbf, naive 
  bayes, kmeans