Big Red Button

It's big. It's red. In this exceedingly theatric reference implementation, it'll send a Ctrl-V to whatever USB host it's connected to. We used it at the public launch of my university's Science DMZ to start a set of big downloads, so that the assembled VIPs could watch a Grafana bandwidth gauge redline. Could be used for any launch, decommissioning, or other special occasion.

Science DMZ Launch Event

Demo Video

Big Red Button Demo Video


  1. Big Dome Pushbutton - Red from Sparkfun
  2. Toggle Switch and Cover - Illuminated (Red) from Sparkfun
  3. Big Red Box - Enclosure from Sparkfun
  4. Teensy®++ 2.0 Development Board from PJRC
  5. USB-A to Mini-B 2.0 Cable from Monoprice

Breadboard schematic

Big red button breadboard schematic

Detail Photos

Big Red Button

  • Thin yellow wire connecting microswitch common terminal to Teensy++ B7,
  • Thin white wire connecting LED anode terminal to Teensy++ D6,
  • Thick white wire connecting microswitch NO terminal, LED cathode terminal, and one side of toggle switch

Big Red Button

Toggle Switch

  • Thick white wire connecting one side of toggle switch to Big Red Button,
  • Thin black wire connecting same side of toggle switch to Teensy++ GND,
  • Thin red wire connecting other side of toggle switch to Teensy++ D0

toggle Switch


Found in big_red_dmz_button.ino. Should be easy to follow, and you can easily change which IO pins the switches are connected to and what key combination you want to send when they're both switched.


  • Use other digital inputs to decide if the button should send a Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Shift-V, Command-V, and possibly send an Enter key afterwards.