
Simple polybar script for showing what song is playing in cmus

Primary LanguageShell


Simple polybar script for showing what song is playing in cmus

Started as raytruong/polybar-cmus, but rewritten for these changes:

  • This script does not display playing time/progress
  • This script displays play/pause icon depending on player state
  • This script handles missing tags by displaying the file name instead
  • This script calls cmus-remote once (as opposed to four times) per interval


Configuration example

Change the icon color by editing the script, default value #444.


Add the script to polybar

type = custom/script

exec = ~/.config/polybar/cmus.sh
exec-if = pgrep -x cmus
interval = 1

click-left = cmus-remote --pause
scroll-down = cmus-remote --next
scroll-up = cmus-remote --prev

label-maxlen = 100