
Pyrographic Design's HTML/CSS boilerplate for builds using Jekyll

Primary LanguageCSS


Pyrographic Design's HTML/CSS boilerplate for builds using Jekyll

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. In your terminal, run the following:
    1. npm install
    2. grunt
  3. Get developing

Folder Structure

+-- _assets
|      +-- css (compiled on build)
|      +-- images
|      +-- js (compiled on build)
|      +-- src
|          +-- js
|          +-- scss
|                  +-- partials
|                  +-- _boilerplate.scss
|                  +-- _fonts.scss
|                  +-- _footer.scss
|                  +-- _forms.scss
|                  +-- _global.scss
|                  +-- _header.scss
|                  +-- _helpers.scss
|                  +-- _home.scss
|                  +-- _html-linter.scss
|                  +-- _interior.scss
|                  +-- _mixins.scss
|                  +-- _mq-helper.scss
|                  +-- _normalize.scss
|                  +-- _susy.scss
|                  +-- _variables.scss
|              +-- main.scss
+-- _config
|      +-- .sass-lint.yml
|      +-- .sass-lint-output.html (compiled on build)
+-- _includes
|      +-- _components
|      +-- footer-bottom.html
|      +-- footer-top-home.html
|      +-- footer-top-interior.html
|      +-- head.html
|      +-- header-content.html
|      +-- header-home.html
|      +-- header-interior.html
+-- _layouts
|      +-- home.html
|      +-- interior.html
+-- _pages
+-- _plugins
|      +-- strip.rb
+-- _site (compiled on build)
+-- .gitignore
+-- _config.yml
+-- Gruntfile.js
+-- index.html
+-- package.json
+-- README.md
+-- to-do.md