
Droplr CLI tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Super simple Droplr command-line utility for viewing and updating "drops".

One of the things I frequently do when capturing and uploading a screenshot is setting a specific expiration date for it. If I'm taking a work screenshot, I typically want it to last forever. I'll manually clean them up later, or have them auto-expire after a year.

On the other hand, if it's just a screenshot for Slack, IRC, or to send to some friends... I generally don't want it to live longer than a day or so. Sometimes not longer than a few minutes.

With droplr-cli, I can simply do something like: droplr expire https://d.pr/i/id-here 30m and it will set that drop to expire in 30 minutes. Available durations are (m)inute, (h)our, (d)ay, (y)ear.


Getting Started



  • npm install -g droplr-cli
  • droplr set-auth <username> <password> (This will create a droplr-cli.json file in your config directory. Typically ~/.config on macOS/UNIX.)

Running the tests

  • npm run test


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
