
Let's you really see team/chunk information! For all those mod packs that are out of date, or servers looking for some more admin features.


Permission Node Command Info Console Player
ftbextras.main /ft Get team info of chunk ✔️
ftbextras.online /ft online List online players by team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.team.find /ft find Find team of player ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.team.list /ft list List all teams ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.team.info /ft info Get info of team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.chunk.claim /ft claim Claim chunks with radius/player ✔️
ftbextras.chunk.unclaim /ft unclaim Unclaim all chunks of a team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.admin.add /ft add Add a player to a team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.admin.remove /ft remove Remove a player from a team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.admin.delete /ft delete Delete a team ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.admin.promote /ft promote Promote a player to team owner ✔️ ✔️
ftbextras.admin.settings /ft settings Open settings GUI of a team ✔️


These are the currently available commands


Main command. Will show you info of chunk you are standing in, if it's a claimed chunk.

/ft help

Lists out the commands and arguments with a brief description.

/ft online

Lists online players grouped by team.

/ft find <playername>

Find the team of a player. Will list out team information as well.

/ft list

List out all the teams on the server.

/ft info [teamid]

Will list out the team information from optional teamid. Otherwise functions like /ft showing team info of a claimed chunk.

/ft claim [-f] [radius] [teamid]

Claim chunks in a radius and/or as another team. Supplying no arguments will claim the chunk you are standing in as for your team. Use -f flag to force unclaim of exsiting chunks in the radius. Before unclaiming/claiming chunks a check is done to ensure the specified team has enough chunks avialable to claim the area. For server teams this check is bypassed.

/ft unclaim <teamid>

Will unclaim all the chunks of a team.

/ft add <playername> <teamid>

Adds the specified player to supplied teamid.

/ft remove <playername>

Will remove the player from their team. If they are the only member their team will be deleted.

/ft delete <teamid>

Deletes the specified team.

/ft promote <playername>

Promotes the specified player to owner of the team they are in.

/ft settings <teamid>

Opens the team GUI settings for the supplied teamid.