Mike's Dev Container

Leave your local alone and work here


  • You have Oh My ZSH installed
  • You have your github ssh key in ~/.ssh


This is just a simple bash script to start the container.

chmod +x dev and move to /usr/local/bin/dev then run dev to enter the container.

In iTerm2, under Preferences > Profiles > General there's a "Command" section. Choose "Login Shell" from dropdown, and set "Send text at start: dev", dev will run in every new iTerm2 tab.

Steps to Build Container

docker build --squash --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t dev:v0.0.1 "."

Create alias on mac

In your work directory create a file called dev.txt make sure it looks similar to this with your name email.


export user_first_last=Michael Roth
export user_email=mikeroth.sd@gmail.com
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Create your alias echo "alias ws='cat ~/work/dev.txt|pbcopy'" >> ~/.zshrc

Now run ws && dev When the container starts just paste what is in your clipboard and press enter.

Send AWS creds to your mac

printenv | grep AWS | sed "1 s/^/[default]\n/" > ~/.aws/credentials


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