
.NET/.NET Core Guide

Primary LanguageC#

.NET Guide

A guide covering the .NET framework including the applications and tools that will make you a better and more efficient .NET developer.

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Table of Contents

  1. .NET Learning Resources

  2. .NET Development

  3. C# Development

  4. F# Development

.NET Learning Resources

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.NET is a developer platform with tools and libraries for building any type of app, including web, mobile, desktop, games, IoT, cloud, and microservices.

.NET documentation

C# documentation

Getting started with .NET

.NET Application Architecture Guide

Intro .NET Guide by JetBrains

.NET on Microsoft Learn | Microsoft Docs

Top .NET Courses Online | Udemy

Top ASP.NET Core Courses Online | Udemy

Learn Parallel Programming with C# and .NET | Udemy

Learn to build an e-commerce app with .Net Core and Angular | Udemy

Dependency Injection in C# and .NET with the Autofac Library | Udemy

Modern Application Development with .NET on AWS Specialization | Coursera

Introducing .NET Core Course | Coursera

Learn .NET with Online Courses | edX

.NET Training Course | LearningTree

.NET Training: Introduction | Pluralsight

.NET Development

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Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft; which is a feature-rich application that can be used for many aspects of software development. Visual Studio makes it easy to edit, debug, build, and publish your app. By using Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Store.

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

Code Server is a tool that allows you to run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser.

Language Server Protocol (LSP) is a tool that defines the protocol used between an editor or IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references.

Tabnine is the AI code completion tool trusted by millions of developers to code faster with fewer errors. Whether you are a new dev or a seasoned pro, working solo or part of a team, Tabnine will help push your productivity to new heights while cutting your QA time.

.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET implementation for websites, servers, and console apps on Windows, Linux, and macOS.The .NET Framework supports websites, services, desktop apps, and more on Windows. Xamarin/Mono is a .NET implementation for running apps on all the major mobile operating systems.

.NET runtime is a collection of libraries and shared host (dotnet) installers for all supported platforms, as well as the sources to .NET runtime and libraries.

ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.

Rider is a fast and powerful, cross-platform .NET IDE devloped by JetBrains to develop .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin; or Unity applications for Windows, Mac, Linux.

Resharper is a Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers that has On-the-fly code quality analysis for C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, and XML. Letting you know right away if your code needs to be improved.

dotTrace is an .NET performance Profiler developed by Jet Brains. It helps users locate performance bottlenecks in a variety of .NET applications: desktop applications, .NET Core, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core applications hosted on IIS or IIS Express web servers, Silverlight, WCF services, Windows services, Universal Windows Platform applications, and unit tests.

dotMemory is an .NET memory Profiler developed by Jet Brains. It allows the user to analyze memory usage in a variety of .NET and .NET Core applications: desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, IIS, IIS Express, arbitrary .NET processes, and more.

dotCover is an .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool developed by Jet Brains. It helps the user figure out on-the-fly which unit tests are affected by your latest code changes, and automatically re-runs the affected tests for you. The continuous testing mode can be switched on for any unit test session.

Avalonia is a cross-platform XAML-based UI framework providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows via .NET Framework and .NET Core, Linux via Xorg, macOS.

Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.

IdentityServer is a free, open source OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. IdentityServer4 incorporates all the protocol implementations and extensibility points needed to integrate token-based authentication, single-sign-on and API access control in your applications.

ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.

Hangfire is an easy way to perform background job processing in your .NET and .NET Core applications with no Windows Service or Task Scheduler required.

React Native Windows is a framework for building native Windows apps with React. React Native is a framework developed by Facebook that enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React.

ReactiveUI is a composable, cross-platform model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming, which is a paradigm that allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces and express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.

Refit is the automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET.It's heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface.

MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Quasar is a fast and light-weight remote administration tool coded in C#. The usage ranges from user support through day-to-day administrative work to employee monitoring. Providing high stability and an easy-to-use user interface, Quasar is the perfect remote administration solution for you.

C# Development

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C# Learning Resources

C# is a modern and object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft to write any application using the C# programming language on the .NET platform.

Taking your first steps with C#

Learning C#

C# development with Visual Studio

C# programming with Visual Studio Code

Working with data in C#

C# Tutorial by W3Schools

Windows Forms for .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1

Xamarin documentation

Advanced Topics in C# by Udemy

The complete C# tutorial

Unity C# Survival Guide

RabbitMQ .NET/C# Client API

C# Tools and Frameworks

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft; which is a feature-rich application that can be used for many aspects of software development. Visual Studio makes it easy to edit, debug, build, and publish your app. By using Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Store.

Code Server is a tool that allows you to run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser.

Language Server Protocol (LSP) is a tool that defines the protocol used between an editor or IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references.

Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft; which is a feature-rich application that can be used for many aspects of software development. Visual Studio makes it easy to edit, debug, build, and publish your app. By using Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Store.

MSBuild is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio. MSBuild, provides an XML schema for a project file that controls how the build platform processes and builds software. Visual Studio uses MSBuild to perform team builds through Azure DevOps Server, but MSBuild can run without Visual Studio.

Roslyn is a .NET compiler developed by Microsoft that provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.

Bot Framework is a framework developed by Microsoft that provides the most comprehensive experience for building conversation applications. Developers can model and build sophisticated conversation using their favorite programming languages including C#, JS, Python and Java or using Bot Framework Composer, an open-source, visual authoring canvas for developers and multi-disciplinary teams to design and build conversational experiences with Language.

Uno Platform is a Universal Windows Platform Bridge that allows UWP-based code (C# and XAML) to run on iOS, Android, macOS, WebAssembly, Linux and Windows 7. It provides the full definitions of the UWP Windows 10 2004 (19041), and the implementation of a growing number of parts of the UWP API, such as Windows.UI.Xaml, to enable UWP and WinUI applications to run on these platforms.

Rider is a fast and powerful, cross-platform .NET IDE devloped by JetBrains to develop .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin; or Unity applications for Windows, Mac, Linux.

Resharper is a Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers that has On-the-fly code quality analysis for C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, and XML. Letting you know right away if your code needs to be improved.

dotPeek is a tool developed by JetBrains based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or CIL code.

dotTrace is an .NET performance Profiler developed by Jet Brains. It helps users locate performance bottlenecks in a variety of .NET applications: desktop applications, .NET Core, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core applications hosted on IIS or IIS Express web servers, Silverlight, WCF services, Windows services, Universal Windows Platform applications, and unit tests.

dotMemory is an .NET memory Profiler developed by Jet Brains. It allows the user to analyze memory usage in a variety of .NET and .NET Core applications: desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, IIS, IIS Express, arbitrary .NET processes, and more.

dotCover is an .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool developed by Jet Brains. It helps the user figure out on-the-fly which unit tests are affected by your latest code changes, and automatically re-runs the affected tests for you. The continuous testing mode can be switched on for any unit test session.

Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET.

Quasar is a fast and light-weight remote administration tool coded in C#. The usage ranges from user support through day-to-day administrative work to employee monitoring. Providing high stability and an easy-to-use user interface, Quasar is the perfect remote administration solution for you.

CodeMaid is an open source Visual Studio extension to cleanup and simplify our C#, C++, F#, VB, PHP, PowerShell, JSON, XAML, XML, ASP, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JavaScript and TypeScript coding.

.NET Fiddle is an advanced online compiler for C# that allows you to create, run and share your code online.

Octopus Deploy is a single place for your team to manage releases, automate deployments, and automate the runbooks that keeps your software operating.

Appveyor is a cloud-based continuous integration system that integrates natively with your source control and allows CI configuration files to live alongside your projects.

AppHarbor is a .NET Platform-as-a-Service that let's developers deploy and scale any standard .NET application to the cloud.

ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build parse trees and also generates a listener interface that makes it easy to respond to the recognition of phrases of interest.

AutoRest is a tool generates client libraries for accessing RESTful web services using the OpenAPI Specification format. It Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby.

Markdig is a fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET.

F# Development

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F# Learning Resources

F# is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. It empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable and robust code.

What is F#

F#, the Functional programming for .NET

Cloud Programming with F#

F# style guide

F# Programming Wikibook

F# Developer Network (FSDN)

Learning F# from The F# Software Foundation

F# Programming groups | Meetup

F# Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft; which is a feature-rich application that can be used for many aspects of software development. Visual Studio makes it easy to edit, debug, build, and publish your app. By using Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Store.

Code Server is a tool that allows you to run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser.

Language Server Protocol (LSP) is a tool that defines the protocol used between an editor or IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references.

Python.NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers. It allows Python code to interact with the CLR, and may also be used to embed Python into a .NET application.

Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler powered by Babel, designed to make F# a first-class citizen of the JavaScript ecosystem.

.NET for Apache Spark provides high performance APIs for using Apache Spark from C# and F#. With these .NET APIs, you can access the most popular Dataframe and SparkSQL aspects of Apache Spark, for working with structured data, and Spark Structured Streaming, for working with streaming data. .NET for Apache Spark runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS using .NET Core, or Windows using .NET Framework. It also runs on all major cloud providers including Azure HDInsight Spark, Amazon EMR Spark, AWS & Azure Databricks.

Giraffe is a functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications.

Suave is a simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition. Suave supports Websocket, HTTPS, multiple TCP/IP bindings, Basic Access Authentication, Keep-Alive.

FsCheck is a tool for testing .NET programs automatically. The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of properties which functions, methods or objects should satisfy, and FsCheck then tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases.

Elmish implements core abstractions for F# apps that can be used to build applications following the “model view update” style of architecture made famous by Elm. The library however does not model any "view" and is intended for use in conjuction with a DOM/renderer, like React/ReactNative or VirtualDOM.

Saturn is a web development framework written in F# which implements the server-side MVC pattern. Many of its components and concepts will seem familiar to anyone with experience in other web frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Python’s Django.

Pulumi is Infrastructure as Code SDK is the easiest way to create and deploy cloud software that use containers, serverless functions, hosted services, and infrastructure, on any cloud. Simply write code in your favorite language and Pulumi will automatically provisions and manages your AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and/or Kubernetes resources, using an infrastructure-as-code approach.

FsPickler is a serialization library that facilitates the distribution of .NET objects. The implementation focuses on performance and completeness in supported types, including F# types. It supports multiple, pluggable serialization formats including Binary, Xml, JSON and BSON. The library is based on the functional programming concept of pickler combinators which has been adapted to accommodate the object oriented nature of the .NET framework.

Paket is a dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and git repositories.

Fantomas is a F# source code formatter.

SQLProvider is a general F# SQL database erasing type provider, supporting LINQ queries, schema exploration, individuals, and CRUD operations.

FsUnit makes unit-testing with F# more enjoyable. It adds a special syntax to your favorite .NET testing framework.


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