
Automapper seems to be violating some IL with certain VSTest.Console uses

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0



There's an issue running VSTest.Console with certain settings that results in an exception for any test using Automapper. Running it under certain conditions results in the following exception:

Initialization method Core.MS.Tests.UnitTest1.SetUp threw exception. System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime..
Stack Trace:
    at AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(Action`1 config) in C:\projects\automapper\src\AutoMapper\Mapper.cs:line 46

Project Structure

  • AutomapperReproduce.sln (solution file)
    • Core (core library representing the application logic)
    • Core.MS.Tests (Tests for Automapper using MSTest Framework)
    • Core.Tests (Tests for Automapper using NUnit Framework)
    • CoreConsole (Console application for manually testing Extruder class)


You will need Vstest.console installed. To install:

  1. Download the nuget.exe if you don't have it: Nuget Client Tools
  2. In a directory of your choosing, run nuget install Microsoft.TestPlatform to pull vstest.
  3. You'll now see a new directory "Microsoft.TestPlatform.x.x.x". Navigate into there and rename the nupkg to a zip.
  4. Now extract the contents of the zip to a directory of your choosing.
  5. You now have the vstest.console tool available in \tools\net451\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform. You can add this path to your PATH system variable for access from anywhere on the command line.

Reproduce the error

For reproduction, I'm assuming VStest.console is available anywhere. If it is not on your machine, you'll have to reference the exe directly.

This reproduction has a solution for the issue as well, first let's reproduce it:

From a command line in the root of the project:

vstest.console ".\Core.Tests\bin\Debug\Core.Tests.dll" /Settings:".\.runsettings"

For consistency, I included tests in MSTest to ensure it's not NUnit. I found the solution in NUnit's Issues so I at first thought it could be their test adapter.

vstest.console ".\Core.MS.Tests\bin\Debug\Core.MS.Tests.dll" /Settings:".\.runsettings"

At this point you should receive the same errors for all 3 tests that's mentioned at the top of the README.

Now to fix the issue, refer to the InProc.runsettings at the base of the project. This is an identical file to .runsettings, only changing the DataCollection stuff to InProcData...



To This:


now run vstest.console with these settings:

vstest.console ".\Core.Tests\bin\Debug\Core.Tests.dll" /Settings:".\InProc.runsettings"

vstest.console ".\Core.MS.Tests\bin\Debug\Core.MS.Tests.dll" /Settings:".\InProc.runsettings"

You should get no errors now. So there is something going on with the way each of those work and their relationship to Automapper. That's as far as I got but at least there is a solution. I'm not familiar with the difference between the 2 data collection methods, so I do not know what impact changing this has.