
A Chrome Extension using React and Cookies for authentication

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


After futzing around with Chrome's OAuth2 identity APIs, I decided to just go with cookies. This is a starter project for React and ASP.NET's default identity provider with cookies.


Chrome Extensions need to correctly use the callback url from a code flow in order to store the response's payload appropriately. This eliminates using any standard SDK that is typically used in javscript applications like oidc-client-ts or AuthO's SDKs.

After digging through oidc-client-ts and starting to write my own Navigator, I was also thinking about token lifetimes and not storing them in storage, since it's bad practice. My conclusion was that I don't want to force the user to login every time they open the browser, so I switched to cookies. It seems I'm not alone in this decision, as one of my favorite Chrome extensions, Raindrop.io also uses cookies for authorization. If it's good enough for Rustem Mussabekov, it's good enough for me.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The things you need before installing the software.

  • .NET 6 (this can be via standalone or through Visual Studio)
  • Yarn or NPM
  • Microsoft SQL Express (You can bring your own database as long as there's a provider for EntityFramework. Refactoring for something else is outside the scope of this readme.)


Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/mikeruhl/cookies-and-chrome-extension

Next, edit the appsettings.json file, edit ConnectionStrings::DefaultConnection if you do not want to use the default.

Then, apply the migrations to your database:

$ cd cookiesid
$ dotnet ef database update

Provided all tooling is accounted for, you should have a success.

Now we need to build and install the chrome extension. To build it, goto extension and type in:

$ yarn build

Next, install the chrome extension:

In Edge or Chrome, goto edge://extensions or chrome://extensions. Ensure developer mode is on, which should enable "Load unpacked". Select that, and navigate to extension/build. Select that directory and it should load up.

Now copy that id:

Extension ID

Head back to your appsettings.json and add an entry to AllowedHosts with "chrome-extension://[your id]"

  "AllowedOrigins": [

Now run your solution via dotnet, VSCode, or Visual Studio.


Once running, you should be able to open the extension via the cookie command and login/logout. Once you login, you should see your username in the popup of the extension.


This app is a demo app and is no way intended for production.

Additional Documentation and Acknowledgments