
Useful 3rd party packages for go

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Useful Go Packages

This page was originally inspired and expanded upon from golangprograms.com. I highly recommend visiting their site. In no way am I attempting to take credit away from the originally curated list, please go there for examples on these packages and exaples on how to program in Go and React.js.


  • Validator - expands on exising tag functionality to add more validation
  • Gabs - dynamic JSON using paths
  • Stats - More maths and handles large datasets
  • Go-funk - It's like lodash for JS or LINQ for C#, work with collections easier
  • Goquery - JQueryish selector library
  • CommonRegex - Common regex patterns for common things like phone numbers, credit card numbers, etc
  • imaging - manipulate images
  • go-chart - build charts!
  • xmlquery - query xml docs with xpath
  • Now - date and time library