
Sample Ruby on Rails API that runs in a Docker container, with continuous integration & deployment (CI/CD) to Azure, AWS, GCP, and Heroku.

Primary LanguageRuby

CircleCI codecov

A repo for people who love completely over-engineered solutions for contrived examples. As a candidate for a development job, I was given this spec to implement in rails. It's a simple API server, but has morphed into a repo for testing CI/CD tools and deploying containers.

As the API consumer, you can view a list of parts ("bits"), and specify inventions based on those parts. Read basic API docs here. A hosted version lives on hobby dynos at inventions-api.herokuapp.com.

This app has been docker-ized, but it is not required if you only want the rails project. After a green build on CircleCI, workflow jobs push containers to registries for AWS, Azure, GCP, and Heroku. A sample kubernetes deploy to is included here. Future iterations will abstract out the platform-specific ENVs and make jobs more portable.

System dependencies

The Ruby on Rails app itself uses ruby 2.5.x and postgres 10.4.x. Docker needs docker-compose v2+, which you probably already have if you are dockerizing.

Install/test/build/deploy instructions with and without docker