Here's another example on how you can both search for, and extract individual Sharepoint Documents with SQL. With the image above you can see how on the left pane I'm doing a basic query to find the documents I'm looking for. All I needed was the Database Name, List Name, File Name, and the URL so I could positively locate the file. I wanted to get extra information about the file so I added the [alldocs].[timecreated] and [docstreams].[size] just to get an idea of the time when the documents were created, and how large the files are.
I then simply copied and pasted the 4 values I needed to extract the file (using the script on the right). One could always go through Sharepoint and get the files that way; however these are peppered across a variety of different sites. I created the two (Find & Extract) scripts to sure up the process, but ultimately I combined them together into one massive automation so that many thousands of files could be identified, and extracted by just one click. One of the more common questions I get around this process is what happens if you run it more than once, and forget to remove the file? Anyway; hope you find this helpful. Both scripts are below. SEARCH FOR FILES
use [WSS_Content_Database];
set nocount on
'database' = db_name()
, 'time_created' = left(alldocs.timecreated, 19)
, 'kb' = (convert(bigint,alldocstreams.size))/1024
, 'mb' = (convert(bigint,alldocstreams.size))/1024/1024
, 'list_name' = alllists.tp_title
, 'file_name' = alldocs.leafname
, 'url' = alldocs.dirname
, 'last_url_folder' = right(alldocs.dirname, charindex('/', reverse('/' + alldocs.dirname)) - 1)
alldocs join alldocstreams on
join alllists on alllists.tp_id = alldocs.listid
--alldocstreams.[size] > 2048
right([alldocs].[leafname], 2) in ('oc', 'cx', 'df', 'sg', 'xt')
and alllists.tp_title like '%FY12 Documents%'
order by
alldocs.timecreated desc
, alldocs.dirname
use master;
set nocount on
declare @ole_automation int
set @ole_automation = (select cast([value_in_use] as int) from sys.configurations where [configuration_id] = '16388')
if @ole_automation = 0
exec sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1; reconfigure with override;
use tempdb;
set nocount on
declare @url varchar(1000)
declare @list varchar(255)
declare @file varchar(255)
declare @database varchar(255)
declare @extension varchar(5)
declare @destination_path varchar(255)
set @database = 'WSS_Content_Database'
set @list = 'Archive FY12 Documents'
set @file = '7684_HiringPacket.pdf'
set @url = 'sites/Archive of Hiring Docs FY2012'
set @extension = (select reverse(left(reverse(@file),charindex('.',reverse(@file))-1)))
set @destination_path = '\\sps1\w$\' + @file
declare @extract_file varchar(max)
set @extract_file =
'use [' + @database + '];
set nocount on;
declare @object_token int
declare @content_binary varbinary(max)
select @content_binary = alldocstreams.content from alldocs join alldocstreams on = join alllists on alllists.tp_id = alldocs.listid
alllists.tp_title = ''' + @list + '''
and alldocs.leafname = ''' + @file + '''
and alldocs.dirname = ''' + @url + '''
exec sp_oacreate '''', @object_token output
exec sp_oasetproperty @object_token, ''type'', 1
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, ''open''
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, ''write'', null, @content_binary
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, ''savetofile'', null, ''' + @destination_path + ''', 2
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, ''close''
exec sp_oadestroy @object_token
exec (@extract_file)
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