
A Github copy of Alexandr Belyak's simplexlsx library

Primary LanguageC++

This library represents XLSX files writer for Microsoft Excel 2007 and above. 

The main feature of this library is that it uses C++ standard file streams. On the one hand it results in almost unnoticeable memory and CPU resources consumption while processing (that may be very useful at saving a large data arrays), but on the other hand it makes unfeasible to edit data that were written.
Hence, if using this library the structure of the future report should be known enough.

The library is written in C++ with using STL functionality and based on the ZIP library (included), which has a free license.


Key features:
- Cell styles: fonts, fills, borders, alignment, multirow text, text rotation
- Cell formats: text, numeric, dates and times, custom formats
- Formulae recognition (without formula`s content verification), defined names
- Multi-sheets
- Charts with customizable parameters (on data sheet or separate sheet): linear, bar, scatter, pie
- Images on the worksheet: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff
- Multiplatform: BSD, Linux, macOS, Windows
- Unicode support
- No external dependencies

The SimpleXlsxWriter source code is available from:

This library is distributed under the terms of the zlib license:

2023-04-24 Version 0.41
		- Removed initializing parameters for CWorksheet (since version 0.40) because found other solution.

2023-03-06 Version 0.40
		- Added initializing parameters for CWorksheet (thanks to Tony Kennedy).
		- Added function GetDim to scratch sheet and updated SimpleScratch.cpp example (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).

2022-11-20 Version 0.39
		- Redesigned function CWorkbook::Save( FILE * handle, bool CloseHandleAfterSave ) (thanks to E.Naumovich).
                - Updated CMakeLists.txt (thanks to E.Naumovich).

2022-05-20 Version 0.38
		- Added scratch sheet with matrix-type access to cells (writing only) (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).
       		- Added example for a scratch sheet (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).
		- Fixed non-Windows build error due to incorrect implementation of the CWorkbook::Save function.

2021-09-26 Version 0.37
		- Added function CWorkbook::Save( FILE * handle, bool CloseHandleAfterSave ) for saving to a file/stream by its handle (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).
		- Added axis type "date". See methods like CChart::SetXAxisType (thanks to Leonardo Pollock ).
		- Added markers on the axis. See methods like CChart::SetXAxisMajorTickMarks and CChart::SetXAxisMinorTickMarks.
                - Added example of a mixed chart with line and bar serieses (MixedLineAndBarChart.cpp).

2020-05-12 Version 0.36
		- Fixed crash when operating system returns NULL instead of username (thanks for this work to J Sher).
		- The username request has been moved to the function GetSystemUserName from the CWorkbook class constructor (appeared in version r0.21).

2020-03-29 Version 0.35
		- Fixed undefined behavior with cells ranges for chart serieses (appeared in version r0.34) (thanks to Sergio C and Logan Courtney).

2020-02-05 Version 0.34
		- The CellDataTime class has been redesigned to be able to set the date and time in various ways (thanks to E.Naumovich).
                - Added defined names (thanks to E.Naumovich).
		- Added functions AddEmptyRow, AddEmptyRows and AddSimpleRow to CWorksheet class.
                - Reworked getting currency symbol under Windows.
                - Added text rotation to cell style.
                - Added SimpleXlsxDef.cpp.
                - Updated examples.

2019-12-15 Version 0.33
	Change log:
		- Fixed the precision of saving floating point numbers (thanks for this work to Norbert Wołowiec).
		- Added Pie chart (thanks to W Semmelink).
		- Updated examples (thanks to W Semmelink).
		- Added references to self in class methods of CWorkbook, CWorksheet and CChart.
		- CWorksheet::AddCell( time_t ) method has been removed due to a conflict types. CWorksheet::AddCell( CellDataTime ) method remained.
		- Added macOS support.

2018-11-03 Version 0.32
	Change log:
		- Added field "count" in xml for style indexes (thanks for this work to mt1710).

2018-10-02 Version 0.31
	Change log:
		- Refactoring code for possibility to make mixed debug/release compilation of the library and of the main program (thanks to E.Naumovich).

2018-07-21 Version 0.30
	Change log:
		- Fixed bug with the number format in the cells (thanks to bcianyo).

2018-07-05 Version 0.29
	Change log:
		- Added CChart::SetEmptyCellsDisplayingMethod method for select how chart display empty cells (thanks for this work to Norbert Wołowiec).
		- Added CChart::SetShowDataFromHiddenCells method for display data from hidden rows and columns (thanks for this work to Norbert Wołowiec).
		- Added CChart::SetPlotAreaFill*** and CChart::SetChartAreaFill*** methods for filling in chart (thanks to Norbert Wołowiec).
		- To CChart::Series was added fill style specified for a bar chart (thanks to Norbert Wołowiec).
		- Fixed error with secondary axis in scatter chart (thanks to Knut Buttnase).

2018-04-16 Version 0.28
	Change log:
		- Unicode support without using _UNICODE and _T() macros. The file "tchar.h" was deleted.
		- The UniString helper class was added for simultaneous and transparent work with std::string and std::wstring.
		- Added method Comment::AddContent.
		- Updated examples.
		- Fixed sprintf specifier for correct work in Visual Studio 2010 (thanks to Sergey).

2018-02-13 Version 0.27
	Change log:
		- Added CMakeLists.txt (thanks for this work to Thomas Bechmann).
		- The type of row height changed to double type (previously uint32_t) according to ISO/IEC 29500-1: 2016 section (thanks for this work to Thomas Bechmann).
		- Added CWorksheet::AddCell method with an unsigned long as a parameter (thanks for this work to Thomas Bechmann).

2018-02-08 Version 0.26
	Change log:
		- Fixed compilation in Visual Studio 2017 (thanks for this work to jordi73).
		- Specified license type - zlib.

2018-01-04 Version 0.25
	Change log:
		- Saving empty cells with format (borders, fill...) (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).
		- Adding images to a worksheet by CWorkbook::AddImage in two ways: with a binding on two cells (anchored) or scaling on axes X and Y (in percent). Supported image formats (via file extension): gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff (thanks for idea to Henrique Aschenbrenner and E.Naumovich).
		- Minor bug fixes.
		- Updated examples.

2017-12-02 Version 0.24
	Change log:
		- Added checking of sheet names: length up to 31 characters and forbidden characters "/\[]*:?" are replaced with '_' (Excel restrictions)

2017-05-09 Version 0.23
	Change log:
		- Improved scatter charts to more "scientific" appearance, including color and symbol selection and width of the lines (thanks for this work to E.Naumovich).
		- Creating charts in the worksheets by CWorkbook::AddChart. For chart sheets must be used CWorkbook::AddChartSheet (thanks for idea to Aso).
		- Now the sheets are arranged in order of creation. Using CWorkbook::SetActiveSheet can be set the active sheet (by default the first sheet).
		- CWorkbook::m_styleList was moved to private. Now must be used CWorkbook::AddStyle() and CWorkbook::GetFonts().
		- Many internal changes.
		- Added examples to the archive.

2017-02-22 Version 0.22
	Change log:
		- Support for the TDM-GCC 64-bit compiler (thanks to Eduardo Baena).
		- Minor bug fixes.

2017-01-28 Version 0.21
	Change log:
		- XmlWriter is rewritten to work with Unicode, implemented writing of strings in UTF-8.
		- Rewrote all the code to work with the new XmlWriter. All string constants for XML stored in the type const char *, which allows speed up the work and reduce the size of the executable file for the Unicode version.
		- Minimal use _stprintf functions, which is replaced by _tstringstream for the safety (no fixed buffer length).
		- Fixed bugs in the charts module, because of what Excel can not open the file or display it correctly. Compatibility is also upgraded to Office 2010 because of the charts.
		- For fields valAxisFrom and valAxisTo (from CChartsheet::Series) made standard numbering for rows (from 1)
		- For CWorkbook you can specify the name of the author. If not specified, the current user name is queried from the Operation system.
		- Many functions AddCell of the CWorksheet class can take the "raw" data without the need to create wrapper classes (for example, without CellDataStr or CellDataInt).

2013-08-31 Version 0.20
	Change log:
		- Minor bug fixes

2013-04-13 Version 0.19
	Change log:
		- Numeric, dates and times styling
			Most general formats are available. It is also possible to create custom formats
			Some information about how to create a format is here:
		- Minor bug fixes
		- Makefile to build the project as a library (by Eduardo Zacarias)

2012-12-16 Version 0.18
	Change log:
		- Comments functionality added;
		- Font name bug fix
		- Borders functionality changed;
		- Sheet orientation feature added;
		- Some additional features in Chartsheet.

2012-10-31 Version 0.17
	Change log:
		- Creation time format bug fix.

2012-10-26 Version 0.16
	Change log:
		- Temporary directory location bug fix;
		- Creation time format bug fix.

2012-10-02 Version 0.15
	Change log:
		- Linux are supported now (tested on Ubuntu with GCC 4.6.3)
		- ZIP library ported (under Linux only compressing of files is available)

2012-09-21 Version 0.14
	Change log (bug fix):
		- Overflow in shared strings;

2012-09-21 Version 0.13
	Change log (bug fix):
		- It is enough to include just 'Xlsx/Workbook.h' instead of three files;
		- AddCell();
		- Unique directory for each new book;
		- Temporary files are deleted after book saving even if saving is failed;
		- In Worksheet/Chartsheet classes` objects 'ok' flag is set to false after saving (since stream either closed or data corrupt at another trying);
		- Some minor changes inside;

2012-09-09 Version 0.12
	Change log:
		- Proper (without repetitions) shared strings implemented;
		- Bug fix - wrong span range for row;
		- Bug fix - nonsense style id by default

2012-09-01 Version 0.11
	Change log:
		- AddCell() method to easier addition of empty cell added.

2012-08-05 Version 0.1
	First draft of the library. 
	Main features for data sheets formatting:
		- adjustable height for each row;
		- adjustable width for columns. Can be specified only at sheet creation;
		- frozen panes;
		- page title designation;
		- data can be added by row, by cell or by cell groups;
		- cells merging;
		- formulae recognition (without formula`s content verification);
		- styles support (fonts, fills, borders, alignment, multirow text);

	Main features for chart sheet configuration:
		- supported chart types: linear, bar, scatter;
		- customizable settings: legend presence and position, axes` labels;
		- data table (for linear and bar chart types);
		- additional axes pair (the type defines independently from main chart type);
		- data source can set for both X and Y axes for both main and additional axes pairs;
		- curve`s smoothness, node`s mark;
		- grid settings for each axis;
		- minimum and maximum values for each axis.