
A index repo maps Pursuit library to PyPI package and maps JS FFI to Python FFI. Yes, this repo is a functor.

Primary LanguagePython

This is a PureScript FFI provider mirror for the Python backend.

Making such a mirror is simple, by implementing following interfaces:

  1. Providing an entry.py in the Git repo's root.
  2. In entry.py, provide a function solve(package_name: str, versions: List[int]) -> str,

which takes

  • the name of package.
    e.g., for purescript-prelude, you'll receive prelude.

  • the version parts

    e.g., for v1.1.1, you'll get [1, 1, 1].

and return

  • a URL of a Git repo providing the Python FFI files.

    e.g., for purescript-console, we can make this purescript-console.py for former's Python FFI files).

Update Mirror

pspy --update will automatically synchronize the mirror you selected in pure-py.json. e.g., for purescript-console, we can make this purescript-console.py for former's Python FFI files).

Test Mirror(for PureScript-Python developers)

Fork this repo, and git clone <your-own-mirror-repo> ~/.pspy/mirrors/test, and change index-mirror of your ps-pure.py to test:

  "corefn-dir": /* your setting */,
  "data-format": /* your setting */,
  "entry-module": /* your setting */,
  "index-mirror": "test",
  "pspy-blueprint": /* your setting */