
Interstitial template for DFP

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#DESCRIPTION WP Interstitial template for DFP



  creative: null,               //String: URL to creative.
  creativeType: null,           //String: flash, image, iframe, custom.

  // OPTIONAL (with defaults):
  width: 760,                   //Number: Width of creative
  height: 425,                  //Number: Height of creative
  timeOpen: 15,                 //Number: Seconds open before auto close
  clickTrack: '',               //String: Prepended click tracker
  clickTag: '',                 //String: Clickthru URL
  imgMap: false,                //String: String of <area /> tags as html code
  pixels: false,                //Array: Impression pixel url's
  backupImage: null,            //String: Backup image URL for flash creatives
  minFlashVer: 6,               //Number: Minimum version of flash player needed for flash creatives
  customFlashVars: false,       //Object: Custom flashvars mapping
  creativeBGColor: '#fff',      //String: background color of the acutal creative
  bgcolor: '#fff',              //String: background color of the overlay
  opacity: 1,                   //Number: 0-1. Opacity of the overlay background
  shadow: true,                 //Boolean: drop shadow on the creative if the background opacity < 1
  blur: true,                   //Boolean: blur the page if background opacity < 1
  siteOverride: false,          //String: washingtonpost.com, slate.com, theroot.com. Override auto site detection
  quartileTracking: false,      //Array: For use with flash video player
  wrapperID: 'interstitial_ad', //String: ID of html wrapper
  adid: null,                   //String or Number. DFP ad id reference
  useClickOverlay: false        //Boolean: Use a click overlay


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
<script src="js/interstitial.js"></script>
  var my_interstitial = new wpAd.Interstitial({/* options here */})