
Material for Haskell effects tutorial at BOB 2020

Primary LanguageHaskell

Tutorial "Control Your Effects in Haskell"

... at BOB 2020 and MuniHac 2020.

To prepare for the tutorial, you have two choices:

If you're proficient with Haskell and have Haskell and cabal installed

cabal install --dependencies-only

You probably will need ghc 8.8 - Polysemy doesn't work with 8.10.

If you're not

  • install Docker
  • on Docker for Mac, give it >=6GB via Preferences -> Resources -> Memory
  • install Visual Studio Code
  • install the "ghcide" extension: click on the "Extensions" icon on the left, search for "ghcide", select "ghcide", click on install
  • install the "Remote - Containers" extension: click on the "Extensions" icon on the left, search for "Containers", select "Remote - Containers", click on install
  • click on the files icon in the upper-left corner
  • click on the "View" item, select "Command Palette", type "containers", select "Remote - Containers: Open Folder in Container"
  • select the prep or the live folder
  • it should say that it's building a docker image; this can take a while (possibly an hour or more, 20mins on my machine)

If you run into problems

... contact Mike Sperber.