A Macaulay2-Framework for finite field experiments for explicit and implicitly given ideals and parameter spaces ( FiniteFieldExperiments.m2, based on top of BlackBoxParameterSpaces), in preliminary beta version.
The package provides also lifting of isolated (polynomial) system solutions over a prime field to an extension field of rationals ( padicLift.m2 )
To use the packages, an installed M2 (available at http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/Downloads/), >=v1.8 ) and a git client installation is mandatory.
The next step is to checkout the package files via
git clone https://github.com/jakobkroeker/FiniteFieldExperiments.M2.git
start Macaulay2,
add the package location to the M2 path varible
path = append(path,"$PutLocalCloneLocationHere")
and install the packages:
installPackage("M2Logging",UserMode =>true) installPackage("IntervalPkg",UserMode =>true) installPackage("BlackBoxParameterSpaces",UserMode =>true) installPackage("FiniteFieldExperiments",UserMode =>true)
Then look at the examples in the experiments-folder
or read the online help with
viewHelp BlackBoxParameterSpaces
viewHelp FiniteFieldExperiments
January 2021
- break up packages into multiple files.
- DONE: BlackBoxIdeals: rename to BlackBoxParameterSpaces.
- Chris: shorten the tex file to only the parameter space version. DONE
- Chris: add in the cubic example using the \begin{m2}\end{m2} DONE
- Mike: add in code needed to run the m2 examples, replace blocks with input and output (DONE)
- Mike: finish tex file (after Chris has made next version) DONE
- after we are happy with it: we put it back into the package documentation
- (Mike: check on katex use: DONE, newest version of M2 does this). some itemize lists, and links might be to be handled by hand.
- these are the packages to get ready for distribution with M2 BlackBoxParameterSpaces, FiniteFieldExperiments, M2Logging, IntervalPkg.
- fix bugs and interface for BlackBoxParameterSpaces
April 2021
- TODO in ParametersSpacesDoc.m2 has further specific doc and method changes
- (For next meeting: 15 April 2021) break up package FiniteFieldExperiments into multiple files, like we did for BlackBoxParameterSpaces DONE
- remove exportMutable lists, clean up export list as we did in BlackBoxParameterSpaces DONE
- fix the example at the end of FiniteFieldExperiments.m2
- break up the doc into several files, like for code, and BlackBoxParameterSpaces DONE
- add in more TEST's into FiniteFieldExperiments
- in ringCardinality, remove use of try. Other places too?
- redo top level documentation, starting from the tex file TODO NEXT TIME (JULY 2021) On July 8, also: write landing pages for the various routines in the package.
- possibly: need some methods for FiniteFieldExperiments? (e.g. e.run() to run(e))
- then go back and add in links to FiniteFieldExperiments methods from BlackBoxParameterSpaces doc
- rewrite tex file for BlackBoxIdeals and Jets
- top level doc for these two (in BlackBoxParameterSpaces), and method calls.
- eventually Interpolation (this is later).
August 2021 - October 2021 documentation isses
Oct 28, 2021: We have been making a ListOfPairs class. -- plan for Nov 4: remove Counts, SortableCounts, EstimatedCodimension classes. -- change Counts to Tally, SortableCounts to ListOfPairs, etc...
LAST THING WE DID Sep 30, 2021: doc for estimatedStratification. We are working on the example there.
fix English in the headlines
"e.load(String)" DONE
"e.save(String)" DONE (except: maybe cleaning it up to not use a hacked variable name)
"e.run(ZZ)" DONE
"e.trials()" DONE
"e.counts()" DONE (except maybe: try to simplify use of Tally, Counts, SortableCounts)
fix Experiment page (we started this, page still needs work). Say what an experiment is, or link to main page for that info It should have corrected katex Should have all functions one can do via e. (Organized as in the main page?)
new Experiment: should be minimal, and what is there now should be in Experiment.
add in 'experiment bb' to create an experiment DONE
"e.run(ZZ)": add in the return value?
clean up "net" of SortableCounts. DONE
change pointsPerComponent to: to only collect #points per each combination of property values
document estimateStratification. For now, we will not document estimateDecomposition, since we are not considering the black box ideal case for this initial release