
Custom commands for Cypress to run a11y checks with axe-core

Primary LanguageJavaScript


All Contributors

This package provides three simple Cypress commands to help test your applications for accessibility issues using axe-core.

Install and configure

  • Add as a dev dependency of your project with: npm i -D cypress-axe
  • If you don't already have them, install the peer dependencies with: npm i -D cypress axe-core
  • Include the commands in your Cypress specs by adding import 'cypress-axe' to the Cypress > Support > index.js file.



This will inject the axe-core runtime into the page under test. You must run this after a call to cy.visit() and before you run the checkA11y command.

You run this command with cy.injectAxe() either in your test, or in a beforeEach, as long as the visit comes first.

beforeEach(() => {



To configure the format of the data used by aXe. This can be used to add new rules, which must be registered with the library to execute.


User specifies the format of the JSON structure passed to the callback of axe.run

Link - aXe Docs: axe.configure

it('Has no detectable a11y violations on load (custom configuration)', () => {
  // Configure aXe and test the page at initial load
    branding: {
      brand: String,
      application: String
    reporter: "option",
    checks: [Object],
    rules: [Object],
    locale: Object


This will run axe against the document at the point in which it is called. This means you can call this after interacting with your page and uncover accessibility issues introduced as a result of rendering in response to user actions.

Parameters on cy.checkA11y (axe.run)

context: (optional) Defines the scope of the analysis - the part of the DOM that you would like to analyze. This will typically be the document or a specific selector such as class name, ID, selector, etc.

options: (optional) Set of options passed into rules or checks, temporarily modifying them. This contrasts with axe.configure, which is more permanent.

Link - aXe Docs: axe.run Parameters

it('Has no detectable a11y violations on load', () => {
  // Test the page at initial load

it('Has no detectable a11y violations on load (with custom parameters)', () => {
  // Test the page at initial load (with context and options)
    ".example-class", {
      runOnly: {
        type: "tag",
        values: ["wcag2a"]

it('Has no a11y violations after button click', () => {
  // Interact with the page, then check for a11y issues


When accessibility violations are detected, your test will fail and an entry titled "A11Y ERROR!" will be added to the command log for each type of violation found (they will be above the failed assertion). Clicking on those will reveal more specifics about the error in the DevTools console.

Cypress and DevTools output for passing and failing axe-core audits


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Samuel Custer
Samuel Custer

💻 📖

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!