
Software Engineering Design – Advanced Programming Techniques FINAL GROUP ASSIGNMENT - RMIT University Vietnam Semester 2022C

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT




This is an assignment project for EEET2482 Software Engineering Design / COSC2082 Advanced Programming Techniques offered at RMIT University Vietnam during Semester 2022C.

Assume that you are involved in a start-up who came up with an idea to make an app for people to exchange their houses on vacation. The app will allow registered members to use houses of other members when they go on vacation... Read more

This project uses C++14 standard and CMake.

Project Structure

├── .github/
├── src/
├── test/
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── .clang-format
├── .gitignore
├── init.ps1
├── init.sh
├── build.ps1
├── build.sh
├── ProjectScheme.xml
├── ProjectRequirements.md
└── README.md
  1. .github/: This directory contains GitHub repository configurations.
  2. src/: This directory contains all C++ source code for this project.
  3. test/: This directory contains all CTest source files.
  4. CMakeLists.txt: This file contains build and test configurations for CMake and CTest.
  5. .clang-format: This YAML-formatted file defines C/C++ code style for this project.
  6. .gitignore: This file tells git which files it should not track / not maintain a version history for.
  7. init.sh: This Shell script initializes CMake and build folders for this project.
  8. init.ps1: This Windows Powershell script initializes CMake and build folders for this project.
  9. build.sh: This Shell script is a wrapper for CMake build processes.
  10. build.ps1: This Windows Powershell script is a wrapper for CMake build processes.
  11. ProjectScheme.xml: JetBrains XML code style file that contains C./C++ formatting rules. Alternative to .clang-format.
  12. ProjectRequirements.md: Project requirements provided by the course EEET2482/COSC2082.
  14. README.md: A text file containing useful reference information about this project.

Quick start


Name Recommended version Notes
g++ 9.3.0 or higher
cmake 3.10.0 or higher
ninja 1.10.0 or higher
clangd 10.0.0 or higher Optional

Setting up development environment

  1. Clone this repository using git:

    • HTTPS

      git clone https://github.com/miketvo/rmit2022c-eeet2482-lodging-app.git
    • SSH

      git clone git@github.com:miketvo/rmit2022c-eeet2482-lodging-app.git

    Alternatively, you can download this repository as a ZIP file and extract it (not recommended for development purposes since git features are not enabled for this method).

  2. Initialize CMake and build folders:

    • Linux/MacOS

    • Windows


    This will generate three build folders corresponding to three respective build modes offered in this project:

    • cmake-build-debug/
    • cmake-build-release/
    • cmake-build-minsizerel/


  • Linux/MacOS

    ./build.sh [Options] -m <build-mode> 
  • Windows

    ./build.ps1 [Options] -m <build-mode> 

For all available option flags and build modes, use:

  • Linux/MacOS

    ./build.sh -h
  • Windows

    ./build.ps1 -h


  1. Make sure that the test binaries are built before testing:
    • Linux/MacOS

      ./build.sh -m <debug-test|release-test|minsizerel-test>
    • Windows

      ./build.ps1 -m <debug-test|release-test|minsizerel-test>
  2. Navigate to one of the build folders corresponding to the build mode specified in step 1:
    cd cmake-build-<debug|release|minsizerel>
  3. Run CTest (bundled with CMake) for the specified build folder in step 2:

To run tests selectively, use the -R/--tests-regex or -N/--show-only flag. Refer to CTest Documentation for more instructions.

To write and add test configurations, please refer to Testing With CMake and CTest. Note: All test source files for this project are placed under test/.